Thursday, December 19, 2019

Access Bars Taster Session in Malaysia

You are invited for a Bars Taster session to have your Bars run by experienced Certified Access Bars Practitioners. In the Bars Taster session, you can experience half an hour of Access Bars at a fee of only RM50.

Introduction: Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Major Douglas in the early 1990s. Today Access Consciousness Bars is available in 180 countries worldwide including China, Japan, Korea, Turkey, Israel, Germany, Russia, Middle East. There are 500 new Bars Facilitators from all over the world, registered every month.

What If Your Whole Life Could Change?
​(And all while lying down, doing nothing)

With Access Bars®, it's quite possible. ​Sounds like one of those ‘magic pills’ bold claims, doesn’t it? But what if it is possible?
What if everything you perceive as a problem in your life is just an interesting point of view?
And what if those interesting points of view are being held in place by electromagnetic energy in your brain and these energies can be released and dissipated, giving you more space?

What Are Access Bars® and How Do They Work?
Access Bars® is a tool that releases and dissipates electromagnetic energy from your brain and energy system. As the electromagnetic energy dissipates, your energy begins to flow properly. With your energy flowing properly, you have more 'space' and awareness.

​The Bars are 32 points on your head that relate to different areas of your life. They store the electromagnetic imprints of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, ideas, judgements and points of view about the area they relate to.

And it’s not just from this lifetime that they’re stored. Every thought, feeling, attitude, idea or judgement you’ve ever had from any lifetime is locked into these points.
Whether you believe in past lives and whether they really do exist, would you be willing to allow the energy of it to be there?

How can Bars benefit you?
​Your experience of Access Bars will be different from other people’s experiences. Not only that, but each Bars session you have will most likely be different from every other Bars session you have.

Things that used to bother you now don’t. Where you may have felt contracted — physically as well as energetically — you now feel more ‘expansive’.

Aches and pains often begin to fade. Sleep improves. Points of view that you had about the main areas of your life start to fall away too. You have greater awareness and less attachments. ​

That said, here are some of the benefits that many people are reporting after having their Bars run.
·         Greater mental clarity, motivation and problem-solving capacity
·         Reduction and even complete cessation of anxiety and depression
·         Significantly more joy and more happiness
·         Quicker recovery time from surgery with reportedly less pain
·         Elimination of undesirable behavioural patterns, addictions and psychological disharmony
·         Decreased interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, resulting in better relationships
·         Better health and weight balance
·         Better sex life
·         A reduction in trauma and stress related disorders
·         Less reactive emotionally, becoming more calm and balanced
·         Deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep

One of the life-changing components that happens naturally with each Access Bars session is the element of receiving. How often do we just let go, lower our barriers, and allow another person to truly gift us? Learning to receive is a key to inviting more of what you’re asking for into your life. Access Bars facilitates receiving, different than any other modality in this reality.

Contact Oscar Lai at WhatsApp 0166728068 or visit for more info.

*Full Bars Session is available – RM350-RM500 a session of min 60min with body processes.
*Certified courses to be an Access Bars Practitioner is available.

Date : 12th Jan 2020
Time : 11.00am - 5pm
Fee : RM 50 for half an hour of Bars.
To register for your slot, kindly contact:
Oscar    0166728068
Janice   0122163308

Please include your name, time and number of pax coming. Thank you

Mindful Workshop
No: H11-3, Pusat Perdagangan Bandar Bukit Jalil, Jalan Persiaran Jalil 1 (Bukit Jalil City Signature Shop-Office) 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

One Day. Change Your Life. Relax. Unwind. Have More of You.

诚意邀请您参加Bars体验,由经验丰富的Bars执行师来运行Bars。 在这次Bars 体验中,您可以以区区RM50就可以体验半小时的Access Bars

Access BarsAccess Consciousness一切最初的开始。至今它依然是Access Consciousness所有工具的基础及核心因为如果所有你曾接收或者赠予的Access Bars疗程,你终究变成有意识。
Access Bars是一种温和的手疗,由Gary Douglas1990年代初引入。它由32条能量带组成,贯穿你的头部和周围。这些Bars连接在特定的“Bars,并与生活 的不同领域及各方面相关联。在Access Bars疗愈过程中,执行师会轻轻触及这些点,以释放可能限制您在相关生活领域的所有思想、想法、态度、决定和信念的电磁电荷。
今天,Access Bars在全球170多个国家开展,被家庭、学校、企业、运动员、监狱病房、心理学家、艺术家等作为强而有力的实用工具。

Access Bars协助了成千上万的人改变生命中很多的领域。人们反映说更健康、轻松入眠、减重、更美好的性事和关系、缓解焦虑、减轻压力还有更多更多...
每个Access Bars的疗程中自然发生的改变生命的组件之一是接收的元素。有多少次,我们只是释放、降低我们的屏障、并让另一个人真正赠与我们?学会接收是邀请更多你想要的东西进入你的生命中的关键。 Access Bars 引导你接收,有别于实相中任何其他的形态。

每个人都不一样,因此那里没有所谓正常Access Bars 疗程。每个疗程都不同,每个时刻,甚至如果你重复与同样一个人运行。
那些最常见的报导就是有一种完全放松的感觉。许多人睡着了 - 即使在非常嘈杂的环境中。有些人有图像来到他们身边,其他人感受到他们的身体感觉,如嗡嗡声、麻刺感、温暖、抽搐或颤抖。
这里没有对与错的方式,而最好找到Access Bars像什么的方法就是你亲身体验它!

学习Access Bars 成为执行师 (Bars Practitioner)

请通过WhatsApp 0166728068Oscar Lai联系,或浏览www.soulcircles.net了解更多信息。
Bars 疗程 – RM350 – RM500 至少60分钟的疗程与Body Process

日期 : 12th Jan 2020
时间 : 11am - 5pm
费用 : RM 50 30分钟的 Bars
报名 : Oscar    0166728068
Janice   0122163308


Mindful Workshop
No: H11-3, Pusat Perdagangan Bandar Bukit Jalil, Jalan Persiaran Jalil 1 (Bukit Jalil City Signature Shop-Office) 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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