Sacral Chakra Healing for women only


Sacral Chakra Healing

Sacral chakra is an important chakra point especially for female. If there is blockages in this area, you might experience difficulty in creation or creating your reality, manifestation or simply put, get what you desire. You might experience issues like hormonal imbalances, manifested health issues like having cysts in womb or other physical problems related to lower part abdomen including difficulty in getting pregnant. 
This healing is also beneficial for women who have gone through abortions or failed pregnancies to release attached small beings in the womb. 
This session is uniquely for females only. If you have ever sufferred from any abortion or miscarriage before and have not done any soul sending off for the unborn child, this service helps you to get closure from this issue, reinstate your emotional swings back to equilibirium and get to send off the souls and communicate your heart felt message to your beloved child and forgiveness to move on.

Benefits: Strengthening seat of manifestation, clear lodged energies at womb and send off miscarriage or aborted souls from body. (private and confidential)
Call 0166728068 for more information. 

Energy Exchange:
Rm500 1hr 30min

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