Thursday, December 22, 2011

Love energy for 2012

Year 2011 is coming to an end and I am looking forward to 2012. This year is quite an eventful year, be it on the career part for me or personal part. I am definitely looking forward to 2012, simply because it is going to be a year of change. I am also waiting eagerly for GE to exercise that voting right. It is not the country that I do not love, it is merely an exercise that I feel I should partake every time because of the power it can bring and the liberation it could do to change the lives of many. Most do not see what I see in politics and law making in the country as these might not be their cup of tea. But I merely see it as something that can affect a lot of people lives whether you like it or not. And what the best I can do is just going to the voting booth and make a difference .It might not be a big thing, but the sense of doing it makes it good to feel.

Coming up to 2012, I guess it will be another eventful year. Much more so if you are awaken to the energies it will bring. As the clock ticks and the alignment of the planets are moving, we are still at the healing stage at the last sign of the "houses". (I will omit all astrology language and try to write a more decent post :P ) Many people will go through a renewal of some kind, be it on the lower level or a higher level. You will definitely lose a lot of things you once treasured, even some belief systems that you hold on to , your perspectives and your senses that no longer serve you the purpose. Even people, relationships and such that are a baggage to you, will be slowly but surely pulled away from you. Don't ask how, but the universe indeed have a good way to do it for you. However, you will not "suffer" more than you can take at your level, just enough for the essential lesson that you need for your soul growth.

Love energy taking the front
As how one of my dearest enlightened friend put it, love energies are not confined only to the lovey dovey kind of love in relationships only. Love is love when it is put upon unconditionally to every living beings including animals. It will serve more of its purpose if put unconditionally to even people who can't repay you or you not expecting any kind of rewards. Love is what make it works if you put in unconditionally with passion as well. The energy is of pure white light and it will definitely wash your negativity out, bring you a new sense of belonging, make you compassionate and give you many other miracles.

The first step you need to do is to really just open up your heart and mind, to remove all the past hurt and embrace healing, and love yourself first. This first step is very important simply because if you do not love yourself, you will never recognize true love when it come knocking at your door. Love of yourself being equal to loving your Maker, simply because He made you with a purpose and you are not a "waste of product".
Everyone in the whole world serve a purpose in life. No matter how small or insignificant you think, you are actually making a difference everyday, even to your own family and friends.    

Loving yourself does not equal to the point of narcissistic or ego centrism. Ego is a big illusion that many people falls trap on. No one is going to escape this as long as we are breathing. However, moderation and balance is a must. Wisdom from experience will guide you, however, the most we must try to achieve is to shed our ego. Whatever we do must come from love and the love of doing it, and the love of doing it knowing consciously that what we are doing and want to do will give the same love and results for the benefits of many. When we can serve on a level where it will benefit others on a bigger scale, ego no longer works. Ego are actually the downfall of many self right organizations, the cause of separations, the reasons for discrimination against colors, creed and religions,and the defeater of grand purposes. Only love can conquer all these obstacles stemming from Ego.

2012, the world is at a healing stage. You will see before your eyes collapsing of unnecessary systems, issues that no longer serve the time of man and healing for many nations and the awakening of consciousness for many. Corrections for markets and pavement for more distribution of wealth in more fairness will slowly and surely start to take shape. Do not be fixed at this point but to move on with the changes, else it will be dramatic because you do not let go of the past, and still stays there. The only way to move to a higher dimension and level of consciousness is now embracing this love energy sweeping the whole universe come 2012.


Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Change Your Destiny for 2012 with Vedic Astrology

There are times when we look upon the sky and wonder, how big is the universe? Why do we as human exists? What are the purpose of our existence? Are we born just to go through sufferings and pains? Are we born because we have some unfulfilled missions? Are we born just for the sake of it?
As the world evolve and the plane of human consciousness is being accessed at a faster rate than ever, people are starting to fall back to the spiritual plane to seek within themselves. We look for answers. We go back to the basics. We go back searching for our roots.

People has always been fascinated by psychics, seers, mystics, or anyone that have a claim that they are able to see the future. People want to know what is in stored for them, too eager to know the results, want to be prepared and a whole lots of reasons just to see or have a glimps of the future.

So let me reveal to you the art of vedic astrology, in a scientific way that will debunk all the myths and fantasies others are making you believe, traditional beliefs that are now nonsense or irrevelant in this modern time and what is perceived as non-astrology.

How to change your Destiny for 2012 with Vedic Astrology is a 1 day seminar to address these questions, topped it up with true case files and a prediction clinic for what is in store for you for the year 2012. We will also reveal to you one of the most simple and easy to learn prediction technique practiced in Vedic Astrology and also on how you can apply these skills after completing this 1 day course.

Register with payment now before December 2011 to enjoy a special rate of RM92 per person and RM88 for 2 persons and above. After which the normal price rated at RM128 by January 2012 will stays. Fees paid are inclusive of course materials and 2 tea breaks.

* you can download the registration form and fill it up, and scan/email back to us.
* in order to participate in the prediction clinic, accurate birth details are required. (date, time and place of birth e.g; 19th May 1978, 20.45pm, Subang Jaya Selangor)

For more information, please visit our website at or email to You can also contact Oscar at 0166728068.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recently concluded Reiki Class

Due to the slowwwwwness of blogger to let me update the pictures, you can get your pictures from the Facebook of Soul Circles here. I am still editing some videos for the Reiki class, will put that up at , however it will only be in mp3 format as video file will then be too big to put. Maybe a compilation of video captured on our Master doing her teaching, and if  you are connected in some way, you will find your way to us and be initiated by Master LC Seow.

Reiki need to be practiced after you are initiated. Nothing happens if after you got initiated, even years ago if  you do not use it. Use it since you are already attuned for life. This is what I am able to tell you to those who says that you don't feel much thing. And lastly, even if you are skeptical towards it, it still works. It is an intelligent system and it will still be here and survive so long, even if you don't believe. So open up your mind and heart, and keep learning.

Reiki Can Improve the Wellness of Cancer Patients - Emily Walsh

Below is an article contribution by Emily Walsh, who is a passionate light worker whom contacted me through the email. Although it is a bit late due to my side here for not checking that particular email, however, this article is very informative and I hope that it can bring light to anyone at the moment of reading some vital information and help along the way. To light and love, thank you Emily. 

Reiki Can Improve the Wellness of Cancer Patients
When it comes to cancer treatment, emotional healing is as important as physical therapy. Numerous methods promote the overall good health of cancer patients. One of the most effective therapies is the Reiki system of healing. Reiki healing is based on the concept that spiritual energy can be transmitted from person to person and used to improve wellbeing.

Individuals with most cancers can benefit from Reiki healing. Supporters of the practice believe the body has energy paths that become blocked for various reasons. If these paths become obstructed, illness or disease occurs. Reiki is meant to improve the energy flow in the body. When there is a balance in spiritual energy, the body is more likely to heal itself or fight disease.

During a Reiki session, a practitioner transmits his or her energy to the recipient by placing the hands above the individual’s body. The life force transferred to the receiver stimulates the natural healing that every body is capable of. When used as a complementary therapy to traditional cancer treatments, Reiki is effective in easing the physical and mental problems associated with cancer.

When it is used as part of a cancer therapy, the healing effects of Reiki are countless. Because it is meant to balance spiritual energy, cancer patients may experience an overall sense of calm after one session. The reduced emotional tension can help a person find the strength to face his or her fears about cancer. Many people who undergo Reiki healing feel refreshed, relaxed, less stressed and less anxious about the future.

Certain cancers, such as mesothelioma, have unpredictable outcomes. Prognosis is generally poor. However, the mesothelioma life expectancy is often determined by how effective a treatment is. Because Reiki can advance healing and speed up recovery, it increases the efficiency of other therapies like chemotherapy and radiation.

Reiki healing is safe and does not produce any adverse side effects. Cancer patients who struggle with the effects of other treatments will not experience anything unusual after receiving a Reiki massage. Additionally, Reiki can reduce the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and cancer medications. Reiki healing also eases muscle tension, which can lessen overall pain.

Reiki healing can be combined with chemotherapy and radiation to speed up recovery. While it should not be used as an alternative to conventional cancer treatment, it complements other remedies well. Because the practice of Reiki healing is non-invasive, it is a safe way to encourage wellness in virtually any cancer patient.

The American Cancer Society promotes the use of Reiki healing as an adjunct to other types of cancer treatments. Those interested in learning more about the advantages of using Reiki therapy as a cancer treatment can visit the organization’s website.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Upcoming Reiki + Spiritual Course on 23rd October 2011 at Aman Suria PJ

We are delighted to announce that our upcoming course for Reiki is confirm on the 23rd of October 2011 Sunday at B-2-12, Jalan PJU 1/43 Aman Suria, 47301 Petaling Jaya ( venue:Starfish Training)

The program of the day is as follow
1) 11.00-1.00pm Reiki Level 1
2) 1.00-2.00pm  Lunch break
3) 2.00-3.00pm Complimentary talk by Ms Jessica Yew on “Total Wellness and Nutrition”
4) 3.30pm-5.30pm Reiki Level 2
5) 6.00pm-7.00pm Mystical Exercise

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an “attunement” given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of “life force energy” to improve one’s health and enhance the quality of life.

We have also invited Ms Jessica to share on her experience and expertise in the topic of Total Wellness and Nutrition as it is something that is different and you can’t find the talk anywhere in town. It is a free talk and we hope you will bring your friends who are interested in healthy eating and living!

Lastly, Mystical Exercise is also a special energy exercise akin to Tai-chi and it is something very new in town. Not many people are aware of it, but the benefits of practicing this exercise is tremendous. It’s easy and only takes 15 minutes for a set of routine, which means you can have some exercise even if you are busy with works. It promotes rejunenation of the cells, youth, detoxification of the body, promotes inner organ health, beneficial to diabetics, heart patients, arthritis and other numerous health issues. At an introductory price of RM50, come and experience the power of Mystical Exercise and reverse your health to the better!

Do book your seats now to Soul Circles by writing in to  with
a) Your name
b) Contact number
c) Email
d) Course you are attending

You can also call / sms to 0166728068
*Past participants are welcome to join our Reiki Level 1/2 as refresher
*Courses are inclusive of course materials and free Reiki CD

Soul Circles

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Teary Mother Bear Killed Her Baby and Committed Suicide – A Heart Breaking True Story

A Teary Mother Bear Killed Her Baby and Committed Suicide – A Heart Breaking True Story 

Heart wrenching story about a teary mother bear killing it's own and committed suicide in order to save her child from hell here. Everyone who read this and is not moved do not need to read. However, if you are, please do something good now and today. You can help raise awareness to this campaign, to raise fund for their projects, to sponsor a bear so that they have a second chance in live, share these articles around the internet, your friends, your blogs and websites. Donate to them too. Let's do something for them!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse Forever 27

She's just too opened and sensitive to others energies and take on too much for her own, hence her eccentricity

She's not only just here to serenade us with her angelic voice, but a fallen angel who gives everyone the joy of music and yet take on our sorrows as her own
She's just too talented that she needs someone as a real friend that she can trust, hence the substances to numb her senses
She's just too serious with her works, that she suffered a writer's block and need some boost
She's a money magnet in the music industry, hence no one ever take her well-being seriously, hence making her perform even thou she's suppose to be in rehab
Eccentricity and her wayward actions influenced by peers, are a big cry for help to a lost soul
She's really a fallen angel on Earth where she still leaves a legacy, being outward with Earth energy, and yet her love have to be directed to someone, something... it takes on a bad turn and no one could help, yet touching us in so many ways just by knowing "Amy Winehouse".
Perhaps.... we should remember her as what she did for the soul...through music. We will still love you tomorrow, always and forever Amy! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reiki Master Level

And now...these individuals are now...Reiki Master. May they utilise and use these higher power for the highest good.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Reiki class 2011


Trust me, I tried to make everyone here look better. Hence, I did not do any edits to the pictures because everyone looks perfect. Natural, in perfect harmony, serene....Here are the pictures of the recently concluded Reiki Level 1 and 2. I started a e-news letter for them as well, hope it helps along the way. For more pictures, please log on to the Facebook to download and join in the discussion. URL :

Knocking off to bed

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Reiki can help you in general

I am currently abuzz with people enquiring about the Reiki course that I keep promoting and what does it do. Sometimes I did not explain as properly as I wanted, which is because it can do a lot of things and sometimes if I were to explain, I don't know if you would be thinking that I am from another planet or am just out of my mind. However, Reiki do works wonders out of this world. First and foremost, I really wanna thanks our participants for giving me the support...some rather just give me "face" (hahahha) because I keep cornering them back to the course , and some who have done their own research, knows what Reiki is about and decided to join us, without even checking if the course is of due benefits to them or is it conducted by some hocus pocus master.
2ndly, when I really ask you to join the course, it is because I do really feel that you really need this and it will help you in your situations in the long run. I am not making a fast buck, although I really enjoy pulling people to the courses and try to rush puling more people when the due time is near. I can make more in an hour or two astrology consultation and divination systems, or  make much more when I close a deal in real estate. So this is plainly a joy and passion that I wish I have more time to share with you later. However, if you find me pulling you non-stop and talking about it, you should be aware that it is not "me" talking. It is probably your guardian angel using me as a medium to convey the message to you. (see, told you that you will be thinking something else of me)
So basically the outlines are very simple. Reiki is a form of energy healing that comes from the divine source and it can help you to smoothen up your journeys and hiccups in life, give you a positive flow of mind, heals you physically, mentally and spiritually, and it helps in bringing you to your goals and manifestations at a faster pace.  It is not religion base, however it has universal truths that surpass all fundamentals of religions. Through Reiki, it enforces  your faith in your religions, the trust and faith of angels doing their missions and protecting you from harm, and life itself as abundance.

Once you become attuned with Reiki, you can first and foremost, help yourself which equates to loving yourself. Then you start benefiting others, and then the world. You can administer Reiki to your loved ones, your friends, your pets, strangers, people / animal in need of help and other things that we will teach you in the course.
In as general as possible, these situations will help you to identify how to use Reiki or how it can help you
1) Better relationships with people
2) Help in relationships issues i.e marriage problems, love problems, arguments, root cause of issues etc
3) Help in career advancement, personal goals, manifestations of wealth and abundance
4) Heal sickness, dis-ease and physical discomfort
5) Strengthen your will power, belief system and trust in Universe/God
6) Protection against negativeness from people, spirit and environment

Humbly, we give the best quality that we are able to in terms of our training environment, training materials that are relevant and straight forward and we keep to the minimum costs as much as possible so that people who really need Reiki will not be turned off by the superlatives charges like what others are doing. True, some others will give you training that are more better and it will always be different. But we choose to teach Reiki where it will in turn be functional, simple for you to use and discover more in the long run, where the essence of the Reiki spirit is kept and the subtle powerful energy of it is felt and usable, even with Air-Asia price.

This is a commitment to keep it as affordable as possible, without compromising on the quality. This is what our Master Teacher LC Seow has said and it will always be, simply because we want to benefit as much people as possible, for body, mind and spirit.    

"staring blankly at the screen" . so please come?? I need 2 more people to bring the costs down for reiki level 1!!!
