Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meanings of your Diseases in spiritual energy healings

Update: 26th August 2020
If you would want to explore some energy tool that can help you or your friends in healing, you can try this tool here. Visit to

I will make more related post and video whenever possible on my blog.

Sourced from experienced intuitive healers. Most of the works are great and informational but not in details. Through my own healing works, I can vouch that most of the information are correct and the underlying meaning of diseases are to the point of accurate on the surface. I have put most of the theories to practice and getting feedback from others. Hence, these affirmations below are accurate, to my belief system. The original works of the affirmation should be credited to the author Louise Hay.

"How many times have we asked why God/Buddha/Great Spirit (or whatever name you use) allows pain, illness and suffering to exist? Some think illness happens by accident, or that is determined by fate, while others see it as a punishment by a Higher Power for something we have done. We have forgotten how to understand the inner meaning of illness, pain and suffering. It is my truth that all mental, emotional and physical manifestations of dis-ease are the result of a metaphysical (spiritual) cause -- the hidden meaning of illness.

Illnesses have meaning the same way that dreams have meaning. Like symbols in our dreams, our illnesses are messages from the higher self which can be interpreted and understood if we pay attention. However, our illnesses are not the problem, but are merely symptoms or symbols of the real problem. The real problem is spiritual and results from an imbalance in our thinking, attitudes and feelings.

By describing dis-ease as only relating to the physical body, the medical model has distracted the thoughts of people from the true origin of dis-ease, and has created fear that only drugs and other intervention can help. It’s a fear which should never have existed. When medical treatment alone is apparently successful, it is nothing more than a temporary fix unless the real non-physical, spiritual cause has been removed.

Dis-ease can teach us about the lessons we are here to learn. If we are aware of this and work toward dealing with those lessons, that work can raise us to a higher state of being than before. Dis-ease is often necessary to teach us a lesson which we have failed to get by other means. It can only be truly healed when that lesson is learned. That willingness to heal comes from a soul level.

Dr. Bach wrote in Heal Thyself that "dis-ease is in essence the result of conflict between Soul and Mind and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. No effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair damage. This is not a cure since the cause is still there and may at any moment again demonstrate its presence in another form. The apparent recovery hides from the patient the true cause of the trouble."

If we are to understand our illnesses and the lessons attached to it, we have to stop suppressing certain feelings and parts of ourselves, and simply take a look at what is going on with us, without judgment. We need to start consciously placing light into all areas of our life. That means placing light into those areas that do not seem to be working for us. For anything to evolve, it needs to have love, light and acceptance.

Many diseases are directly related to or caused by stress, anger, suppressed hostilities and resentments. There are many times when illness actually serves a purpose for an individual by taking them out of a situation that they are not happy with. I am certainly not implying that people really want to be sick, but that their thoughts are part of the co-creation of what is directly affecting their bodies and their lives in general.

These challenges are as much our creation as those things that give us joy, peace and a sense of being close to the Divine. As our spiritual growth unfolds and we begin to pay attention to signals, we will become increasingly aware of how we create our own reality and how our thoughts, ideas, emotions and beliefs influence the reality we experience around us.

Most often, healing occurs when an individual is ready, and willing, to make some major changes in his or her life. The achievement of balance and harmony on one level automatically requires and affects balance and harmony in the others. We must pay attention without judgment to all areas of our lives when we are in a state of imbalance. Our bodies are merely temporary instruments to be used for the fulfillment of the purposes of our Higher Self. Being aware of this is the first step toward paying attention to the messages our bodies are sending us. This is the essence of holistic healing!

The Language of Energy

The energy body (the aura) provides valuable insight into how we cope with life and the challenges life presences us. Its energy discloses where in the physical body we are most susceptible to the formation of illness, and unlike the physical body, which uses a broad-range of physical symptoms to alert us that something is wrong or malfunctioning, the energy body pin-points precisely where the origin of the pre-illness is occurring. The language of energy reveals what emotional and psychological patterns of thinking and behavior are responsible for creating the energetic pre-illness in the first place. This highly developed communication network provides the vehicle for the soul, the mind and the body to communicate with each other. Through its bio-energetic messages, it communicates with all aspects of who we are, and when the lines of communication are open and when they are not. If the lines of communication break down, the energy body will instruct the mind and the physical body what they must do in order to restore balance, either energetically, medically or psychologically. It accomplishes this by quickly and effectively communicating with the organs, the glands and all systems in the physical body.

Illnesses and Their Hidden Meanings

As a mean of helping you better understand what energy can tell you about yourself, let’s look at some of the most common illnesses and hidden meanings behind them.

Heart Disease is associated with people who tend to over commit and push themselves too hard. They struggle with never having enough time to do all the tasks on their plate and are burdened with the responsibility of taking care of other people. These people are always stressed, pressed for time, and rushing too much. They suffer from an urgency addiction and keep their body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress reaction. Workaholics are more prone to heart attack as well if they cannot manage their stress properly.

Food Allergies begins with a change in the intestines and are brought about by chronic ph imbalances in the digestive tract. A diet balanced in acid and alkaline foods helps manage food allergies as does eating foods compatible with your blood type. Food allergies are related to habitual feeling of low self-esteem, being emotionally overly sensitive, and the chronic need to please others. They can be also brought about by sustained feelings of being out of control.

Chronic Infections Sinus, bladder and kidney.
An increased intake of dark green leafy vegetables helps keep the liver functioning properly and assists in maintaining a healthy ph balance in the digestive tract. Foods rich in alkaline are beneficial, as are red fruits and vegetables. The root cause of these chronic infections are anger, resentment, feelings of hate, and the excessive tendency of being emotionally out-of-control and emotionally volatile. Chronic sinus infections represent the suppression of intuition.

Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia are caused by glucose imbalances and involve the thyroid. However, the origin site of these malfunctions is in the pancreas. Fear, feelings of despair, grief, and hopelessness throw the pancreas off -balance and upset the blood sugar’s delicate balance. People who do things for other people’s reasons and not their own or whose behavior is dictated by the “should and should not” have a higher susceptibility to these aliments, as do people who find it difficult to express their emotional needs.

Diabetes is caused when insulin production of the pancreas becomes exhausted, decreases and may even stop being produced. Chronic feelings of despair and hopelessness are at the root cause of this illness. When a person loses the sweetness of life and becomes burdened with the struggle of life, it is not uncommon for diabetes to surface.

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism occurs when there’s an imbalance in the production of thyroid hormones. Hyper means too much production and hypo means too little production. The thyroid is responsible for metabolism. Frustration around the inability to express oneself emotionally is a root cause of this illness. People who tend to be to nice, or hold in their emotions or are unwilling to express feelings, desires and needs tend to have a higher susceptibility for this illness.

Cancer energetically, occurs when there are strong feelings of abandonment, betrayal and fear of being alone. It is the root cause of cancer. Cancer has been called the disease of the nice people because they tend to hold in their emotions rather than creating conflict. People who tend to have a higher predisposition to cancer seem to have patterns of behavior which encourage them to overextend themselves both mentally and emotionally for others, and who tend to put emotional needs of other people before their own.

Spiritual Meaning Underlying Diseases

(A-B) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

ACNE: Not Accepting or disliking self
AFFIRMATION:The love and acceptance I have for myself is reflected in my outer appearance

ADDICTIONS: Running away from self, Not facing the fear. Not knowing how to love the self.
AFFIRMATION: It is safe to look within for the answers I seek.

AIDS: Feeling defenseless and hopeless. Denial of the true inner being, or sexual guilt
AFFIRMATION: I love and appreciate all of myself for the unique, powerful and capable person I am.

ALCOHOLISM / ABUSE : Futility, guilt, inadequacy, self-rejection
AFFIRMATION: I live in the now. Each moment is new. I choose to see my self-worth.I love and approve of myself.

ALLERGY / HAYFEVER: You are allergic to someone who or yourself denies your power
AFFIRMATION:The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.

ALZHEIMERS: Refusal to deal with the world as it is.
AFFIRMATION: There is always a new and better way for me to experience life. I forgive and release the past. I move into joy.

ANKLE PROBLEMS: Inflexibility and guilt Inability to receive pleasure.
AFFIRMATION: I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.

ANOREXIA: Denying the self and life. Extreme fear of rejection.
AFFIRMATION: It is safe for me. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose joy and self-acceptance.

ANXIETY / NERVOUSNESS: Distrust the natural flow of life.
AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself and I trust in the process of life. I am safe.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: Hardened narrow-mindedness.
AFFIRMATION: I am completely open to life and to joy. I choose to see with love.

ARM PROBLEMS: Can't hold on to lifes experiences.
AFFIRMATION: I lovingly hold and embrace my experiences with love and joy

ARTHRITIS: Feeling unloved, criticism, resentment
AFFIRMATION: I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love.

(B-C) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

BACK (upper): Lack of emotional support, or feeling unloved.
AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.

BACK (middle): Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there or Get off my back.
AFFIRMATION: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.

BACK (lower): Financial woes and concerns.
AFFIRMATION: I trust the process of life. All I need is taken care of. I am safe.

BALDNESS: Fear, tension. Trying to control everything and not trusting in the process of life.
AFFIRMATION: I am safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life.

BLACKHEADS (pimples): Small outbursts of anger.
AFFIRMATION: I calm my thoughts and I am serene

BLOOD PRESSURE: HIGH (hypertension): Longstanding emotional problems not solved. LOW: Lack of love as a child. Defeatism. "Whats the use? It won't work anyway."
AFFIRMATION: HIGH: I joyously release the past. I am at peace. LOW: I now choose to live in the ever-joyous NOW. My life is a joy.

BONE BREAKS: Rebelling against authority.
AFFIRMATION: I am the only authority in my world for I am the only one who thinks in my mind.

BOWEL PROBLEMS: Fear of letting go
AFFIRMATION: I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new.

BREAST (left):Feeling unloved, refusal to nourish oneself. Putting everyone else first.
AFFIRMATION: I am loved and nourished by all around me

BREAST (right): Over protection, over bearing, difficulty in giving love.
AFFIRMATION:I embrace and trust life knowing that I am safe and loved. I choose to love and be loved.

BREATHING PROBLEMS: Fear or the refusal to take in life. Not feeling worthy to take up space.
AFFIRMATION:It is my birthright to live fully and freely. I am worth loving. I now choose to live life fully

BRONCHITIS: Inflamed family environment.
AFFIRMATION: I experience peace and harmony within myself and all around me. All is well.

BRUISES: Self-punishment.
AFFIRMATION: I love and cherish myself. I am kind and gentle with myself. All is well.

BULIMIA: Hopeless terror. Purging self hatred.
AFFIRMATION: I am loved, nourished and supported by life. It is safe for me to be alive.

BURNS: Anger, burning up inside.
AFFIRMATION: I create only peace and harmony within myself and in my environment. I deserve to feel good.

(C-F) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

CANCER: What's eating at you? Deep hurt, secret or grief.
AFFIRMATION: I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.

CARPAL TUNNEL: Anger and frustrations at life's seeming injustices.
AFFIRMATION: I now choose to create a life that is abundant. I am at ease.

CHOLESTEROL (high): Clogging the channels of joy.
I now live in joy and happiness. I am healthy

CIRCULATION: Lack of joy or the lack of circulation of ideas.
AFFIRMATION: Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me

COLDS: Too much going on at once. Mental confusion and disorder.
AFFIRMATION: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and all around me.

COLD SORES: Festering angry words and fear of expressing them.
AFFIRMATION:" I only create peaceful experiences because I love myself. All is well."

COLIC: Mental irritation. Annoyance with surroundings
AFFIRMATION: This child only responds to love and loving thoughts. All is peaceful.

COMA: Fear. Trying to escape from something or someone.
AFFIRMATION: We surround you with safety and love. We create a space for you to heal. You are loved.

CONSTIPATION: Refusing to release old ideas
AFFIRMATION: As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.

COUGHS: A desire to bark at the world. "Listen to me!"
AFFIRMATION: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.

DEPRESSION: Anger, hopelessness.
AFFIRMATION: I now go beyond other peoples fears and limitations. I create my own life.

DIABETES: Longing for what might have been. No sweetness left in life.
AFFIRMATION: This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

DIARRHEA: Fear and rejecting. Running off or away from something/someone.
AFFIRMATION: My intake, assimilation and elimination are in perfect order. I am at peace with life.
DIZZINESS Flighty, scattered thinking.
AFFIRMATION: I am deeply centered and at peace with life. It is safe for me to be alive and joyous.

EAR PROBLEMS: Not wanting to hear. Anger or too much turmoil
AFFIRMATION: I hear with Love

ELBOW PROBLEMS: Not being flexible, not able to change directions or accept new experiences.
AFFIRMATION: I easily flow with with new experiences, new directions and new changes.

EYE (astigmatism): Fear of "seeing" the self
AFFIRMATION: I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence.

EYES (cataracts): Inability to see ahead with joy
AFFIRMATION: Life is eternal and filled with Joy

EYE PROBLEMS: (children) Not wanting to see what's going on in the family
AFFIRMATION: Harmony and joy and beauty and safety now surround the child.

EYE (farsighted): Fear of the present
AFFIRMATION: I am safe in the hear and now. I see that clearly

EYE (nearsighted): Fear of the future.
AFFIRMATION: I accept life and am always safe

EYE STYE: Looking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.

EYE RETINAL:Refusal to look into life and issues surrounding own life
AFFIRMATION: I see you, I see myself, I choose to forgive and bring to light what I avoided with love.

(F-G) Spirit Meaning - Diseases ; Affirmations

FAINTING: Fear, can't cope, blacking out what's really going on.
AFFIRMATION: I am strong and powerful and I have the knowledge and ability to handle everything in my life

FEET PROBLEMS: Fear of the future or not wanting to move forward.
AFFIRMATION: I understand clearly and I am willing to change with the times. I am safe.

FEMALE PROBLEMS: Denial of the self and rejecting the feminine aspects within.
AFFIRMATION: I rejoice in the feminine. I love being a women and I love my body

FEVERS ; INFECTIONS: Anger, burning up.
AFFIRMATION: I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love

FIBROIDS: Nursing a hurt from a partner, a blow to the feminine ego
AFFIRMATION:I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience. I create only good in my life

FINGER (thumb): Worry, always thinking. Being 'under someone's thumb'.
AFFIRMATION: My mind is at peace

FINGER (index): Fear of authority, or egotistical; abusing your authority.
AFFIRMATION: I am secure

FLU: Responding to mass negativity. Putting too much faith in statistics.
AFFIRMATION: I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence.

GAS PAIN (flatulence):Undigested ideas or concerns.
AFFIRMATION: I relax and let life flow through me with ease.

GRAY HAIR: Stress, feeling under pressure and strain.
AFFIRMATION: I am strong and capable. I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.

GUM PROBLEMS: Inability to back up decisions. Being wishy-washy about life.
AFFIRMATION: I am a decisive person. I follow through and support myself with love

(H-M) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

HAND PROBLEMS: Grasping on to tight, not wanting to let go. Not 'handling' things well.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to handle all my experiences with love and with joy and with ease.

HEADACHES: Self-criticism. Not wanting to accept what is going on
AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.

HEART ATTACK: Squeezing all the joy out of life, in favor of money or position.
AFFIRMATION: I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.

HEARTBURN (reflux): Clutching onto fear. Not trusting in the process of life.
AFFIRMATION: I breathe freely and fully. I am safe. I trust the process of life.

HEART PROBLEMS: Lack of joy, dealing with issues from anger, not love.
AFFIRMATION: My heart beats to the rhythm of love

HEMORRHOIDS: Fear of deadlines. Afraid to let go and move on.
AFFIRMATION: I release all that is unlike love. There is time and space for everything I want to do

HERNIA: Ruptured relationships, feeling the burdens.
AFFIRMATION: My mind is cleansed and free. I leave the past and move into the new. All is well.

HIP PROBLEMS: Fear of going forward in major decisions.
AFFIRMATION: I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.

HYPERACTIVITY: Feeling pressured and frantic
AFFIRMATION: I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I AM good enough.

HYPERVENTILATION: Resisting change. Not being able to take it all in.
AFFIRMATION: I am safe everywhere in the Universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.

IMPOTENCE: Sexual guilt or pressure, feeling spite against a previous mate
AFFIRMATION: I now allow the full power of my sexuality to flow with ease and with joy

INDIGESTION:Dread or anxiety about a recent or coming event
AFFIRMATION: I digest and assimilate all new experiences peacefully and joyously

INFECTION:Irritation, anger or annoyance about a recent situation.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to be peaceful and harmonious

JAUNDICE (liver deficiency): Internal and external prejudice. Unbalance reason.
AFFIRMATION: "I feel tolerance and compassion and love for all people, myself included."

KIDNEY STONES: Lumps of undissolved anger.
AFFIRMATION: I dissolve all past problems with ease.

KNEE PROBLEMS: Inability to bend. Stubborn ego & pride. Fear. Inflexibility. Won't give in.
AFFIRMATION: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend and flow with ease, and all is well.

LARYNGITIS: Fear of speaking up.
AFFIRMATION: I am flexible and flowing

LEFT SIDE OF BODY: The feminine side. Represents receptivity, taking in, women, mother, love.
AFFIRMATION: My feminine energy is beautifully balanced.

LEG PROBLEMS: Fear of the future, not being able to carry things forward.
AFFIRMATION: I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future.

LIVER PROBLEMS: (hepatitis) Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage.
AFFIRMATION: My mind is cleansed and free. I leave the past behind and move into the new. All is well.

LUNG PROBLEMS (Tuberculosis): Depression, grief or fear of life. Not feeling worthy.
AFFIRMATION: I have the capacity to take in the fullness of life. I lovingly live life to the full

LEUKEMIA: Brutally killing inspiration. "What's the use?"
AFFIRMATION:" I move beyond past limitations into the freedom of the now. It is safe to be me."

LOCKJAW: Anger. A desire to control. A refusal to express feelings.
AFFIRMATION: "I trust the process of life. I easily ask for what I want. Life supports me."

LUPUS (Erythematosus):A giving up. Better to die than stand up for oneself. Anger and Punishment"
AFFIRMATION: "I speak up for myself freely and easily. I claim my own power. I love and approve of myself. I am free and safe."

LYMPHATIC PROBLEMS: A warning that the mind needs to be re-centered on the essentials of life. Life and Joy.
AFFIRMATION: "I am now totally centered in the love and joy of being alive. I flow with life. Peace of mind is mine."

(M-R) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

MENOPAUSE: Fear of no longer being wanted.
AFFIRMATION: I am balanced and peaceful in all changes of cycles and know that I am loved.

MENTAL ALERTNESS & SENILITY: Returning to the "safety" of childhood. Demanding care and attention.
AFFIRMATION: I am safe and life is peaceful. The intelligence of the Universe operates at every level of life.

MIGRAINE HEADACHE: Sexual fears, or fear of being close, letting someone in too close. Feeling driven or pressured.
AFFIRMATION: II relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. I love Life!

MENSTRUAL IMBALANCE(PMS): Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt or feeling "dirty".
AFFIRMATION: my bodily processes are a natural part of life. I love and approve of myself.

NAUSEA: Fear, rejecting an idea or experience.
AFFIRMATION: I am safe. I trust the process of life to bring only good to me.

NECK PROBLEMS: Refusing to see another's side or position. Stubbornness. Who/what is being a pain in the neck?
AFFIRMATION:I am peaceful with life

OSTEOPOROSIS: Feeling there is no support left in life.
AFFIRMATION:I stand up for myself and Life supports me in unexpected, loving ways.

OVERWEIGHT PROBLEMS: Fear, feeling a deep need for emotional protection. Running away from feelings, insecurity.
AFFIRMATION:I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

PAIN: Self punishment, feeling emotional guilt.
AFFIRMATION: I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.

PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT: Mental fears weakening the masculinity. Sexual pressure and feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
AFFIRMATION: I accept my own power. I embrace life and feel young in spirit. I love and approve of myself.

(S-Z) Spirit Meaning-Diseases ; Affirmations

SEIZURES: Running away from the self, family or from life.
AFFIRMATION: I am at home in the Universe. I am safe and secure and understood.

SHOULDER PROBLEMS: Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Feeling like life is a burden.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to allow all of my experiences to be joyous and loving.

SINUS PROBLEMS: Irritation to someone, usually someone close to you.
AFFIRMATION: I choose to declare peace and harmony with all the individuals around me. I surround my self with love and goodwill.

SKIN CONDITIONS: Anxiety, fear, feeling threatened.
AFFIRMATION: I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace.

SLIPPED DISK: Feeling unsupported in life.
AFFIRMATION: Life supports all of my thoughts; therefore, I love and approve of myself and all is well.

SOLAR PLEXUS: Ignoring 'gut reactions', or your own intuitions.
AFFIRMATION: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.

SORE THROAT: Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.
AFFIRMATION: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.

SNORING: Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
AFFIRMATION: I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. I move from the past into the new and fresh and vital.

SPASMS: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.
AFFIRMATION: I release, I relax and let go. I am safe in life.

STOMACH (INTESTINAL PROBLEMS): Dread, fear of the new, or not feeling nourished.
AFFIRMATION: I digest life with ease

STROKE: Insecurity, lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.
AFFIRMATION: Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life - past, present and future.

TEETH PROBLEMS: Being indecisive, not being able to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.
AFFIRMATION: I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life.

TESTICULAR PROBLEMS: Not accepting masculine principles, or the masculinity within.
AFFIRMATION: I accept myself fully and I love all of me

THYROID PROBLEMS: Humiliation. Feeling repressed or put down. Feeling as if you never get to do what you want.
AFFIRMATION: I move beyond old limitations and allow myself to express freely and creatively.

TUMORS: Nursing old hurts and shocks. Building on remorse
AFFIRMATION: I lovingly release the past and turn my attention to this new day.

ULCERS: Fear, a strong belief that you are not good enough. "What is eating away at you?"
AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace. I am calm.

URINARY PROBLEMS: Feeling pissed off! Usually at the opposite sex or lover.
AFFIRMATION: I release the pattern in my consciousness that created this condition. I am willing to change. I love and approve of myself.

VARICOSE VEINS: Standing in a situation you hate. Feeling over worked and over burdened.
AFFIRMATION:I stand in truth and live and move in joy. I love life, and circulate freely.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 on 5th of May at USJ Subang

Learn Reiki Level 1 with Soul Circles on this coming 5th May 2012 at 10am to 1pm at venue: 12, 1st Floor, USJ 9/5Q and begin your journey as a healer for yourself and your beloved ones. 
Reiki Level 2 will be happening on the same day at 2pm-5pm. Participants must complete Level 1 in order to go to Level 2. This level will increase your healing energy and you will be able to send distance healing.
Bonus: Learn how to use Reiki for manifestation of abundance and inner child meditation too (  There will also be an extra psychic attunement for those who wish to increase their psychic ability.

Only 16 seats available for each level! Register with payment now before 30th April 2012 to secure your seats! For this time lesson, it is a combined session in English and Mandarin (with live translator). Fees paid are inclusive of course materials.

For more information, please visit our website or email to You can also contact Oscar at 0166728068.

Registration :
Payment to be made

Reiki Level 1 : RM150
Reiki Level 2: RM250

Bank in wire transfer to

NO: 2-14370-0004518-5

Please email to or sms to 0166728068 once you have bank in to inform me your name, contact number, email address and if you need the English or the Mandarin course book. Thank you!
PS: I can also be contacted to conduct Reiki workshops for your company.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My inner voice is a crappy random voice

Everyone have it. You don't know it's there. You know it's there. You doubt it. You believe it , and then you don't believe it. You know you have it...and then you don't acknowledge it. What is it? Where it come from? And then you totally don't want to have anything to do with it. Why?

Inner voice.

It talks to you. You talk to yourself. It's actually that funny first feeling. That tells you , You just have to do it. Trust me. I'd protect you. And yet some inner voice are not just like that. Do it, and it lets you down to another path. Just follow me. I am your guide. You will know the bigger picture later although you are part of the missing jigsaw puzzle.

You don't know if you made a wrong decision, or a decision that you might regret later. You just have to make it, face it, stare at it, it won't go away until you do so. You just have to. It bites if you don't. You can't put it on hold. You will be force to choose, between love and grander love, between shorter pain and longer pain, between duality of good and bad or the best out of which is worst. Inner voice. It guide you. The first voice. Uncontaminated thoughts that come later is not inner voice.

Everything that comes later is a struggle of how you justify the decision you made and how you want to handle it. That feeling that you might hurt someone. That feeling that you feel is best. That those feeling that you struggle to justify. People always say, make mistakes. Without which you won't grow and learn. The question here is, is it a mistake to begin with? You don't know. So inner voice helps. And the trust that the bigger picture will come later. Everything happen for a reason. And that reason is always for the better for change. But it's that first stupid feeling of things not being what it's suppose to be. That made me feel crappy. Things that falls, crumbling and tumbling down like a block of bricks you've so painstakingly put.

Inner voice...I'll guide you, and let you know what is it. Till then, let go before the Universe grab from you by force.

Till...I feel worthy of love. Till then, I will heal.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sexual Addiction - What's in the mind so you know how to heal it - Part 2

While attempting to write this post the whole day, my mind was filled with sex. Oh gee...not like it's what you are thinking. Anyway, the info here might not be in it's totality and, based on what is channeled best and written is another story.

Sex addiction, is an addiction of pure lust and physical and these individuals often have huge commitment problems, and fear of becoming close to someone. A real sex addict, does not really enjoy sex, and instead it causes a chain reaction of shame, guilt, fear, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Most times, when a sex addict is married, they will not get off by having normal sex with their spouse, let alone, a sex addict is incapable of feeling true love, and therefore usually in most cases, relationships do not work out. A sex addict can however, learn how to become a decent person, and learn how to feel if they are thorough and honest with their recovery. Support from their loved ones will be of utmost importance and tolerance for a successful recovery as well.

There are many types of sexual addiction and different classifications, such as porn addiction and in most cases, there are added paraphernalia, which are abnormal and most time dangerous fetishes in which one cannot get off by anything else. It can also be accompanied by abuse of drug or substances and alcohol abuse.

There are also sex addiction that stems from trauma, such as sexual abuse in one's past. Some people develop sex addiction from learned behaviors of abuse, or even very traumatic incidences in childhood. This type can also become very dangerous, given the fact that there are many sex addicts who resort to get off by violence and hurting people, and are trapped in that habit, and equally, they may disassociate and constantly hurt themselves.

On another side, it is also entwined with personality disorders and chemical brain imbalances, where this mental disease is rare, but can begins at birth or early childhood. Causes are unknown, thus it is classified as a mental disease, and chemical brain imbalance. It can also result from other mental illnesses. Please note that addictions do not choose what or who you are, you can be a professional in some high flying job, or you can be plain Jane. Everyone is human and every human have an addiction of some sort.

There are many differing opinions on the religious side of sexual addiction, or in fact any other addictions as it is categorized as the same. However, I am really wondering about on the spirituality and energy side. This is because sex itself should be a pleasure between couples in relationships and individuals, and it is an art in Kamasutra and Tantric sex,and it is also tied with creativity and awakening of the Kundalini in energy modules.

On the spiritual side, all sex addicts have a powerful physical and spiritual healing ability to some extent. They are so captivated with the sexual and physical aspect that they then become intent on abusing such power. If learned properly, a sex addict can be a very powerful healer.

Most sex addicts are highly insecure or not confident. However, they appear highly charismatic, sociable, and have the ability to entice and seduce many people with their strong auras. Their partners will also become addicted to them. On another side, some are also extremely egoistic, self seeking, and like to be in the spot light. They tend to enjoy bragging about their problems.

Sex addiction has many symptoms, such as frequent injuries due to sexual behaviours, depression, anxiety and many other mental illnesses entwined with it, the famous feeling of guilt and shame, suicidal thoughts, black outs, anger problems and other emotional problems. When deprived of sex, a sex addict will act out dangerously.

On another side of this where I opined, I would also say that human, once have abundance of something, will not take it as a surprise anymore as they get "their devil side fed", and thus as a form of release, able to accept themselves and steer back to normality in real. Release it as it comes, feed the devil side and let it subside, and then re-enforce light when the mind is centered again and increase the light side against the dark side. Healing might be easier in this way. But the addict should also be able to help in ways of abstinence or taking back the control and power over their own dark side. Just like a simple example, if everyone can afford a luxury here, say Iphone, then Iphone is not something of a luxury anymore where you will have to sell a kidney for an Iphone (a girl in China doing so). It has become normal and when the desire of acquiring it is not strong, it can be under control. It is hard to satisfy a million desires, so why not try harder to control one desire that leads to the million desires. The effort put into controlling that one desire and able to come out of it is worth it.

So if we are to understand what sort of game or sex act or fetish that sex addicts are looking for and if it is a cry for something higher beneath their soul yearning, what could it be? Why do they do what they do in an addictive continuous manner? Imagine if we are a sex addict, and we are to walk into a big clubhouse with the only intention of getting sex, no inhibitions, no one judging or disrespecting you at all . And in these rooms, all kind of games are in play, which room would you knock on?

Room 1
Slave/Submissive sex - where you listen to your Master and do what they ask you to do. (Individual could be a powerful person in real life who have been giving orders to other people, and thus would choose this room for a change)
(astrology config- 6th or 12th house with saturn, rahu, ketu, mars, moon, pluto interplay) 

Room 2
Bondage/S&M - where you got tied up, whips and chains are your best friend and pain is pleasure (Individual could be yearning for a higher power that can release him/her from one controlling power for freedom, or instead of taking control all the time, someone to take control of him/her in real)
(astrology config-7th house with mars, ketu, saturn, venus, neptune interplay)

Room 3
Groupies/Orgy - group participants or several people playing together (Individual could be yearning for connections, reaching out, or is learning about sharing and no shame issue or is someone who have no trust issue, loves loosely, free spirit)
(astrology config - 7th or 8th house with mars, venus, jupiter, me, rahu, pluto interplay)

Room 4
Porn Stars/Videos/Internet - continuously engaging in watching videos, schedules revolved around picking ppl from the internet, chatting, watching video (Individual could be very lonely, not able to socialize, and yearning for companions or relationships without strings attached)
(astrology config-2nd or 3rd house with me,mars,ve, rahu interplay)

Room 5
Erotic massages/touch/senses - the need to be constantly touched by people (Individual could be yearning for higher source that can stimulate their senses, gives them inspirations, the need to feel true love instead of artificial love and yearning for real feeling instead of illusions)
(astrology config-1st, 7th, 8th house with ve, sun, saturn, rahu, moon interplay)

Room 6
Exhibitionist/Showing/Audience - the need to expose an intimate personal part of oneself to others (Individual could be yearning for attention and the need for others to appreciate them, take notice of them or need to shout out that they are capable of something)
(astrology config- 1st, 7th, 8th or 12th house with sun, moon, ve, mar,me, neptune, ketu interplay)

Room 7
Fetishes - all kind of fetishes you can think of, including human waste....(Individual could be yearning for the power to take control or take charge of a situation, ability to stomach risks and how worst things can be and able to come out of it, fearless, extremist, and in illusions without a true sense of belonging anywhere)
(astrology config-6th, 12th, 8th, 4th house with mars, saturn, ketu, neptune interplay)

(okay...i can't continue much on the rooms already although there are a lot of classifications out exhausted thinking...)

Active signs where the houses reside is also important as how the individual will express this side of them, example if Gemini side is active, the individual is capable of handling many partners at the same time (Orgy room 3), or Capricorn, the individual will most likely prefer bondage or one to one depending on what other planets are interplaying, or Scorpio where the individual will try everything and find the most intense of sexual acts that can satisfy them, Pisces will most likely prefer role play and fantasies, unconventional type or sensual touches, Leo will most likely prefer one to one or being dominant or get dominant by someone else and slavery, etc.

Where ever you are at, cultural background can also contribute to how society looks at sexual addicts. It is better to be a sexual addict at a more liberal country rather than example, at here Malaysia where religion zealous people or government will try their hands at rehabilitation to you where they do not have any information or expertise or understanding of, or even politicizing on the issue as well (like how they try to rehab the lgbt community).  You have been fed spiritual values that are contradicting to your moral values and thus have spiritual warfare within yourself, when all you have is an addiction that you need to understand and how to take control of it with the help of professionals if this addiction is out of control and make your life difficult.

Of course am not encouraging you to be a sexual addict, but from my works, this addiction is real, and I do foresee in the next few years, more people will get into this addiction (it is already happening now and escort services are feeding the fetishes of stressful people for the money they can profit from) people need an outlet to confide, to get help, and with life here which is getting more stressful, less connection with real people (on the internet hiding behind chat rooms all the time without real communication) , all these add up and can spin you to this addiction faster than ever before. It's very addictive and if everyone is judging and try to be a saint when they don't understand this addiction,  it will be more difficult to handle when it happens to you or your closed ones.

Anyway, I opined,  the best way to this addiction is first, admitting that you have a problem, try abstinence and work things out with someone you trust and never be harsh on yourself. It is just like a disease, where you need time to heal, time to get well and a plan to get well.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sexual Addiction and how it look like in the head? Intro post 1

This is going to be explicit and rated SX-18 by people who are not open minded...But it is not with the intention of making this a porny horny post. It's just a sharing on one of the small "research" I've been doing for some years, from the perspective and lens of astrology, energy and spirituality based on consultations I've accumulated in some years . And it's all going to be about sex. I might spread it to a few part if I can't finish and I'll try to minimize on astrology jargon and attempt this writing on a laymen terms.

Sexual addiction:
From wikipedia: "Sexual addiction (sometimes called sex addiction) is a popular model to explain hypersexuality—sexual urges, behaviors, or thoughts that appear extreme in frequency or feel out of one's control. Hypersexuality is typically associated with lowered sexual inhibitions. Alcohol and some drugs can affect a person's social and sexual inhibitions.

There are differences of opinion among sexologists, sociologists, psychologists and other specialists as to whether the phenomenon represents an actual addiction or even a psychological/psychiatric condition at all. Proponents of the sexual addiction model draw an analogy between hypersexuality and substance addiction or behavioral problems like gambling addiction, recommending 12-step and other addiction-based methods of treatment. Other explanatory models of hypersexuality include sexual compulsivity and sexual impulsivity.

Sexologists have not reached any consensus regarding whether sexual addiction exists or, if it does, how to describe the phenomenon. Some experts believe that sexual addiction is literally an addiction, directly analogous to alcohol and drug addictions. Other experts believe that sexual addiction is actually a form of obsessive compulsive disorder and refer to it as sexual compulsivity. Still other experts believe that sex addiction is itself a myth, a by-product of cultural and other influences. Some who have expressed doubts about the existence of sex addiction argue that the condition is instead a way of projecting social stigma onto patients."

We have heard of many type of addictions, but sexual addiction? It's kinda rare don't you think? This is because it is a taboo topic and rarely discussed. It is a stigma and professional help in the form of counseling is quite limited because the sufferer will be shy at most  to confide for professional help. The sufferer also do not deem it as a dis-ease or an inconvenience until it really inconvenience every aspect of life. Example, insatiable desire to engage in sexual encounters or relationships even thou you have or do not have one. Or, when you suddenly feel like stopping your ways , you become emotionless and sexless.

Frequent syndrome of sexual addiction: (from other source)
  • Frequently engaging in more sex and with more partners than intended.
  • Being preoccupied with or persistently craving sex; wanting to cut down and unsuccessfully attempting to limit sexual activity.
  • Thinking of sex to the detriment of other activities or continually engaging in excessive sexual practices despite a desire to stop.
  • Spending considerable time in activities related to sex, such as cruising for partners or spending hours online visiting pornographic Web sites.
  • Neglecting obligations such as work, school or family in pursuit of sex.
  • Continually engaging in the sexual behavior despite negative consequences, such as broken relationships or potential health risks.
  • Escalating scope or frequency of sexual activity to achieve the desired effect, such as more frequent visits to prostitutes or more sex partners.
  • Feeling irritable when unable to engage in the desired behavior.
You may have a sex addiction problem if you identify with three or more of the above criteria. More generally, sex addicts tend to organize their world around sex in the same way that cocaine addicts organize theirs around cocaine. Their goal in interacting with people and in social situations is obtaining sexual pleasure.

The severity of your addiction depends on the type, amount and frequency of the sexual behavior, and its harmful effects. Symptoms that a therapist will evaluate to determine severity include:
  • Increasing guilt, remorse and suicidal thoughts
  • Irritability when unable to engage in the desired behavior
  • Pronounced mood swings or violence
  • Heated arguments with loved ones about sexual behavior
  • Severe financial problems
  • Job loss
  • Increased substance abuse or dependency
  • Tolerance (escalating frequency of sexual behavior; engaging in more sex than intended — need for more sexual activity to achieve the desired effect)
  • Preoccupation with or persistent craving for sex
  • Unsuccessful attempts to limit sexual activity
  • Continued involvement in excessive sexual practices despite desire to stop
  • Time devoted to sex-related activities
  • Engagement in sex to the detriment of valued activities and obligations such as work, school and family
  • Continuation of the sexual behavior despite negative consequences 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Confession of a Perfectionist

Itsy bitsy teenie weenie dots, blackie darkish purplish yellowish stains, argh...dirty, slimey, smelly, bluey spots...warrrgh! not perfect am not, am just a perfectionist. Who want to perfect the art of perfection, precision and accuracy, beauty and neatness, dang!!! If all these fails, am tearing and toring all down, build and rebuild, write and rewrite and go to the extreme of pulling everything down. Crumble, here you go! Arh...rebuild and rewrite with perfection. Not a single dot. But hey...what's this??!! A DOT!! nooo...biaatch..u stick, don't u? I  need that Jip! Hand sanitizer is my best friend. Binoculars are my next. What bout magnifying glass? Dude that's so old school.

Perfect is not a destination, it's just an obsession. An obsession that either makes you so good at what you are doing, or make it worst that you can't move on and down with tiny details that does not matter. But what happens when your LIFE itself, you think it's not perfect? Live on, throw your obsession out. It's not meant to be perfect, it's only the state of mind. It's that easily said but hard to do when you are obsessed with how dirty it is.

The Universe will provide........!! There are always reasons something happen and it's all for the good...! Tell that to a perfectionist and they will look at you sideway and start doubting. What the fish you just said?? It's suppose to be like this and this and this u know? Geee...give up. Roll on your bed and send them white flowers. They love white. Without the torns. The dirt. And it's neutral. You know...those things? *scratch my skin, it's not this colur*

Oh man...chill. Your Virgo child sucks. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Angel Lucifer - The Light Bearer

 From Wikipedia:
"Traditionally, Lucifer is a name that in English generally refers to the Devil or Satan, especially in reference to his status as a fallen angel.
In Latin, from which the English word is derived, Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer" (from the words lucem ferre). It was the name given to the Morning Star, i.e. the planet Venus when seen at dawn.
Use of the name "Lucifer" for the Devil stems from applying to the Devil what Isaiah 14:3–20 says of a king of Babylon whom it calls Helel (×”ֵילֵל, Shining One), a Hebrew word that refers to the Day Star or Morning Star.This association developed in Early Christianity, in the 2nd or 3rd century.
In 2 Peter 1:19 and elsewhere, the same Latin word lucifer is used to refer to the Morning Star, with no relation to the Devil. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus himself is called the Morning Star but not "Lucifer", even in Latin (Vulgata (stella splendida matutina)."

If it's true in relation, Morning Star, Lucifer, and Devil/Satan is the same, while Venus in astrology is the planet that gives humanity the ability to  love, wealth, materialism and all beauty in any forms and illusions of sexual instincts and pursuits. What in general means, if these are the things that you are looking for, and Venus is not debilitated, you will have all these in your life with ease. However, on the other side, spiritual astrology will tell you that this can be the downfall of your life and when it fell, you will be guided into spirituality. What a nuisance, to have one foot here at the materialistic world, and another at that spiritual world. Right? No? Tell me it's not and I'll tell you how from endless before time, this is the only struggle of humanity. A thin line between the duality of the world, good, bad, hell, heaven, opposite poles. Blah. It's that thin fine line before insanity and sane. Which reality are you in? Are you really at this world anyway?

Life after death. How do you know if you are actually just dead here at life and your real life is actually after death? Well, something to ponder on right? However, why do you want to keep yourself , always on check if you are goooood...or baddddd? Why do you want to keep yourself at the other poles when everyone right now is struggling to find the center point? Where loving a soul is better than loving the physical outlook empty shells only. Thus, these are what makes human suffer. The greed and craving to always choose the easy ways, the prestige, the wealth etc. The inability to enjoy true life and real meaning. The selfishness to self, family and surrounding people. Why do you want to grasp so hard? Create that space now.

And thus, the great fallen angel Lucifer, is actually not a fallen angel. He is just what you put into translation and transcription for people as a fable , a story to believe in , that He is the fallen angel. I say He is great because he took upon the task himself and play his role so well in giving humanity a choice. To choose. Between light and darkness. If there is no Lucifer to show you what is darkness and how ugly it is when the illusion is broken, do you think you will know what is light? No, you don't. And as the time goes by, when more and more people are able to recognize the light, there will be no more need for Lucifer to suffer as well. He will be in the light with everyone, but until this mission is accomplished, he is still taking care of his role so well from countless eons at the dark side. Until everyone is saved, He will be there to make you understand what is darkness.

To change your ways and to get a second chance before you are trapped in your own illusions. When it's all going nowhere and it's the end of your journey, without repents, your soul will be cleansed and it'll be a tremendous task because that's how deep and painful cleansing in Hell is. Do not thread onto His path, because it is total madness, just to show you it's not worth it. If all of us goes to the light, his task is accomplished and we should also be grateful to Him, the Morning Star that greet us when we found our enlightenment. May He get light and love too.  

Healing of the Inner Child

When we say or talk about Inner Child, is it really what we are truly referring to? The child within you? Is it just an illusion? Or is it just a convenient way to replace a psychological term? 

Inner Child to me is when your biological age and condition and environment does not get aligned with your True Self. You have been growing and growing and yet, you left a part of you died along the way. Not because that it is suppose to die, but you suppress it and not letting it grow together with you.

Hence when something happen, you fall back to your inner child but yet, your child do not know how or what to do in order to protect you. This is because you never let it grow up with you in the first place. However, it is also the most comforting and protective side as you fall to it because of the innocence and child like pure qualities that was what and who you are at the first place. No worries, no trust issues, no fear, get all these from the materialistic world as you grow up.

How do you then, want to heal your inner child? Where do you search? What do you do? How do you check if there's anything that's not yet healed if there's any?

The Inner Child refers to your emotional body. Carl Jung called it the 'Divine Child'. Emmet Fox called it the 'Wonder Child'. Charles Whitfield called it the 'Child Within'. Some psychotherapists call it the 'True Self'. Our personalities emerge as a result of our genetic code, DNA, or inherited characteristics, and the environment in which we experience. Childhood is dictated by those who raise us and often causes scars that will take years to heal. For the most part, our issues go back to childhood and what impacted on our emotional and physical bodies at that time. The inner child remains with us all of our lives. We are all children at heart, innocently searching for our meaning in life.

Inner Child Types (a few variant)

The Playful Child
That self that is naturally playful, creative, spontaneous and fun loving child. This self longs to play. Many of us have forgotten how to do this without guilt or anxiety that as adults we must be doing something that is worthwhile.

The Spoiled Child
That part of us wants what they want and they want it now, and if they don't get what they want, they throw temper tantrums.

The Neglected Child
The child self that was always left alone without much nurturing and love. They don't believe they are lovable or worthwhile. They don't know how to love. They are depressed and want to cry.

The Abandoned Child
This child self has been left in some way like divorce or adoption or just left because the parents were kept busy working. They are always fearful that they will be abandoned again and again. This part of the self is starving for extra attention and reassurance that they are safe and okay. This self is very lonely.

The Fearful Child
This part has been overly criticized when they were small. Now they are anxious and are in panic much of the time. They need lots of encouragement and positive affirmations.

The Unbonded Child
This Inner Child never learns to be close to anyone. They are isolated. Intimacy feels alien and scary. Trust is a basic issue.

The Discounted Child
This is a part of the self that was ignored and treated as though they did not exist. They don't believe in themselves and need lots of love to assist and support them.

The Spiritual Child
This part of the self searches for answers from higher realms. 

The final result of healing the Inner Child - is balance within Oneself and being able to give and receive LOVE.

Why is healing of the inner child important? In a way, it frees you from bondages. You will have a safe space to fall, to throw tantrums, to let out your frustation, to get child like qualities without bondages from discrimination, prejudgments and  etc. You are free from fear, the fear of trying, you let your inner child guide you, to ask, and ask without fear. You can shout , you can beg like a child to get what you wanted in life without other kind of thoughts that pull you back down again. You get a new rebirth. Reborn. Again. 

You explore and see the world again, with a curiosity like a child. But you will have to heal it first so that it is aligned with your heart creation. Your desires. You have neglected it a long time, that you forgot how to ask like a child, how to be happy, you've forgotten true love, you have an absence and lack of love, and thus, you will need to feed your Inner Child with love again. Bring the gap closer, and tell yourself that. Let it come out and play. The stage is yours.

How to do it?

If you are not attuned with any healing energy modules, the works is less intense and it takes a longer time. But the most easiest will be doing some meditation, get down dirty with nature, bare your feet and walk on the beach, try something new and you never know you would do it, go traveling, explore all and everything possible that makes you happy. Challenge yourself to do the unthinkable. 

Whatever it is, try it without reservations. Revisit your childhood, forgive every stage, every year, every people, and move on. Let it all out, shout if you have to, let the negative energies out and transfer back to the universe. Example, throw all the clutters and stuffs you don't need, or go to the beach and throw rocks out to the sea with visualization of throwing out all the anger, disappointment etc transfered to the rock and shout it out. Let your inner child come out and play, as you heal it with love, it will get closer to you and guide you with much love and pure energies.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Emotional cleansing in general

What is emotional cleansing? Many energy healers might lump sum this as an understanding of clearing out any negative emotions that does not serve the highest good or purpose of our true self. Many would also bring together a whole lump sum of emotional tools to clearly bath away a client or their own emotional cleansing routine. However, how many of these are really effective? The most effective would probably be a temporary relief, where you bath in splendid colours, you clear the auras, you clear this and that and bring in the light. But it is only temporary measurement. How many would have slipped back to the same emotional state after some time?

In order to clearly clear out these negative energies, you have to clear from the root cause. What are the meanings of these emotions that you have put or intended them to be? Example, happiness to person A is not the same as it is to B. So what are the meanings? You will have to find out. It's just the beginning of finding out the root cause and the belief systems of a person. How does these emotions come in? Where do they come from? Why do they keep coming back?

If you are you whom is created from a blue print of the Higher Source, clearly these emotions are also given to you to protect you, no matter in our dualism world, what you term as positive or negative, however positive or negative it is, it is clearly a part of you. Why do they keep coming back no matter how you try to control or suppress it?

You will need to understand what is a conditioned feeling and what is a true feeling. A conditioned feeling is shaped out of environment, experience and the reality that you are in. A true feeling is what usually without suppression, calculated move or something felt from your Higher Self. Example, from childhood time, you might go through a very difficult time in expressing yourself. It could stem from past life traumas carry on here and you try to suppress it , which means keep it buried deep down and the only way for you to seal this feeling off is to keep yourself from talking. You might stammer or you might have speech block, in order to keep yourself safe from the pressure of expressing yourself, using this method to seal things off. 

In the long run, when you have learned so well to seal the feelings off, these become a conditioned feeling and not your true feeling. You learned how to build a protective wall, a mask, a shield, a block, or a mental block or whatever it is that no one knows, deep down. And when along the way, you got triggered by some situations, interactions or relationships, and in these situations or environment you draw the meaning of the conditions to the deep down buried feelings that you have sealed off, you fell back to where you came from. Example depression. The pattern keep repeating, when you fell, the most convenient way is to replace it with say depression/unhappiness/suicidal thoughts etc. Which is because you have kept it conveniently deep down for you to draw on, that it keep you safe in the escape route, that it had become natural.

Same goes with situation/environment, you fell back to the same situation/concept of an event in a different form, yet you conveniently draw back the meaning to it and you goes back to feeling the same thing over and over again. Hence that is what I would say, "you never learn".  These conditions can stem from a lifetime of belief systems input to you by anyone and everyone in your life. You asked for the answers, they gave you, you believe it to be the only way, you put it in your chest, and then you draw it out when you face the same thing, and next thing you know, that's the only way you associate those negative emotions with whenever you face the same situation again. You are trapped in the same pattern over and over.

Hence that is why, when we do energy works, it's not a one time two time thing that once you did, it gets better. It is a series of consultations, assessments, sussing, and finding out the root cause, replace belief systems with newer energies, change meaning and associations,keep drawing buried emotions and replace it with a set of new emotions/energies, and whenever these steps of healing are done, you or the client will have all sort of emotions coming to the surface and experience them again until they fade away. You will have to acknowledge these feelings exist, it's time to let them go and seal them off again. They can make a comeback, depending how strong willed are you to change the association, but at most through energy works, it helps to draw them out faster and release it back to the universe. You may cry, you may feel depressed again and again, you may release it in the form of anger, or even, be releasing it in the form of sexual energy etc, but it will get lesser and lesser and that is a form of cleansing and removal.

Cutting cords, links, hooks, ties, bonds and connections from past events, people, relationships and feelings are of utmost important. And when the healer have done the healing, it is also important to severe the energetic karmic link between the healer and the client. It's a series of these, cleansing, repairing the auric field etc, and the most important person is the one being heal. The mental state of the client have to be aligned with what you are doing and is willing to change and put in the positive thoughts. Thus mutual understanding is very important here.

Each individual needs will be different and the level of healing they require is also different. Of course the intelligent energy and the Masters will be able to correct and oversee the process and give the healing for their highest good at the ethereal level. However, if you can understand and check where these causes are, you will be able to intent more precisely and have faster result in terms of being able to educate your client and give them the info they need so that they can work on it together with you. 

So what good is emotional cleansing? The most important thing an emotional cleansing can give you is to move on from bad experience or traumatic issue. It gathers back a part of your spirit that is attached to that emotion/situation/environment etc and recollect back a part of your soul to your Higher Self so that you will be wholesome again. An emotional cleansing can also help you to close a chapter of your life that is no longer doing you any good by replaying the emotions inside you over and over again and make your life redundant. It helps tremendously in finding back yourself, loving yourself, forgive yourself and simply embrace love, joy and happiness again. You stop karmic links and unnecessary burdens. And lastly, your own perspective change and lessons learned.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Recently concluded class for Reiki Level 1 2012 on 18th March 2012


The recently concluded Reiki Level 1 class/workshop was awesome. Simply awesome because Master Kon Khen Kong (Reiki Tarot Master as well) who had been there helping to translate the course for the Mandarin participants, managed to capture some good photos on the energy waves of Reiki. This is because energy is hard to see with naked eyes, hence through cameras/videos only can you capture the moment. Awesome! Am so obsessed now with the pictures, because I love to see stuffs like this on pictures and I won't stop staring at it for a long long time. 

These orbs are not there in such a co-incidence timing. These orbs could be and should be Reiki ascended masters or guardian angels of this universal life force energy , descending to make sure the attunement process is protected and it is a sacred moment for the participants. 

Some feedback from the participants are, some of them feel cold, some of them feel a lift off their bodily aches, some feel like bursting into laughter, and some feel a tinge of warmness. Whatever it is, changes happen. And they are now set off to a new discovery about themselves and hopefully, they will be able to understand energy works further and be able to create new realities for themselves. 

Some tried to ask if there's any special message after the attunement. There are some messages for certain participants, but these batch are mostly  affected in areas that include stress, relationships and financial matters. I only sensed three skeptics, but these three skeptics are sporting enough to try.With this I thank you for giving yourself and these energy works stuffs a chance to serve your highest good. If I see you again for level 2, I will definitely reveal more if there are more messages. However, the most important first step is to do the cleansing first. And let your mind be more clear. Then you will be able to understand what message I was saying to you during the attunement.

For more pictures, please go to It's all there. 
For our next course, it will be annouce soon. Direct all enquiries to And check out for more information and free downloads at the library for your own usage. 
I will wait for you!


Friday, February 17, 2012

First glance to make spot on prediction for vedic astrology chart

Dear visitors,
Many of you would have visited my site based on the utmost urgent keywords you typed in search of astrology predictions. Some of you would have your own chart ready because of doing some self study. For those of you who don't have it, it's high time you get one printed out using free software that are abound on the internet. This is because when I put in stuffs like this, you will need to refer back to your own chart to verify.
Today I am in the urge to help in giving you some first glance prediction of your chart based on all the keywords that was searched on.

First glance prediction to me is when you open your birth chart, you will be able to quickly spot all the urgent issues in the chart that need to be tackled. You will then know whether you should need help or you will get to understand faster what's the problem that's on hand.

So let's just say you have not met the person, or the person is you. Great. Now get on your chart and look at the chart on the whole. All the twelve houses at one glance. Note:

a) Which houses have the most planets in that one particular house? Rule of thumb, more than 3 and above is consider a lot or clustered.

b) What house does that present in your areas? Example house of romance, full of planets, especially conflicting planets.

c) What are the rajayogas present? Check : Ruler of house 1,4,7,10 interplaying with ruler of house 1,5 and 9

d) Any transitting Saturn at natal moon and at lagna?

e) Any transitting or Natal Saturn and Moon sitting together with natal Ketu? 

Exceptions of ketu in house 

  1. spiritual person / self doubt /self depreciating
  2. money mismanagement / love to utter foul language
  3. documentations problems/rude communication
  4. long term unhappiness/never satisfied/no motherly love to/from
  5. destructive behaviour in romance esp addiction to love for love
  6. hardship from lower servants including pets, and loss of job
  7. marriage problem / partnership in biz prob
  8. accidents
  9. father death with native not able to meet for one last time / don't believe in                            religion
  10. road to being a millionaire
  11. poisonous friends
  12. hospitalisation and mental deranged / black negative force if saturn is retrogade

If you find these consistent in your chart from the above points, then you need to look further into the areas and how it will effect you. Sometimes these issues will manifest through your body/physical side.

Check :
Body parts according to the houses keywords and compare to your own body. Any signs of changes with moles/birthmarks? Sun+Mer or Sun+ke or Ma+Ke, Ma+Me combinations plus either Ke or Ma with Sun+Me will give you surgery marks. Don't have yet? Check the transit and your dasha bukti. Plus if Sade Sati is in from no (d) above, then be extra careful if you have these signs. You will need to do a body checkup and also be prepared for some surgery that will leave the marks for you.

Next up when am free, fun parts with medical astrology and how to see how tall or how fat/slim or the physical appearance of a person is before you even  met him/her at one glance from the chart. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Food delivery to the homeless with Kechara Soup Kitchen

Who would have thought that in such a vibrant town, in another dark side of the city, there will be so many homeless people roaming the street after most businesses are closed? Homeless? What? Not surprising actually. If you go down to the street and look for them, with eyes wide open and not oblivious to your usual surrounding ie keeping a straight eyes while driving, you will see them. A lot.

While Kechara Soup Kitchen is just feeding a weekly 650 packets on their rounds and catering to about 200 people on a daily basis at their soup kitchen center, there are other soup kitchens who are also doing the deliveries and feeding. There are many reasons why someone can become a homeless. We are not there to judge, however, it is best you come down to the street with us and experience it first hand. If your heart is not open at the first round, come for the 2nd, and the 3rd, and the 4th and the 5th. You will then start to understand.

Any kind of people can step as close to be a homeless in a split second. You will have to come for the briefing and do the delivery first hand and you will then know it's not just drug addicts or the mentally challenged that ended up on the street. There are indeed poverty, with people doing their works as usual, barely making it from their salary , and have to depend on free food given out from charity organisations that includes churches and mosques as well. Another example, a friend was following for a delivery round and after a tiring night, the friend squat down on the street and start to have a smoke. I look at her and .. hey...if I take off your shirt, you are just the same. So you see, we are all just the same. It's just the shirt that makes a difference. When I say that, I don't mean to embarrass the friend, for this friend knows pretty well what am trying to say. And we learned that we should be grateful to be able to be the giving hands, for tonight.

What keeps me going and coming back to this cause is not because of doing this for fun, although am still trying to do this in a fun way. What am saying is when we do stuffs like this, ie charity, beside team work, there must not be any ego. Not one hand is better than the other. It is the collective effort that makes it or break it. Towards a common goal and together doing it in any way we think we can to help the less fortunate.

Secondly, there was a round where after giving the food to the people, I went into a fast food outlet for the bathroom. I saw a client sitting at a corner in the fast food outlet. It was very comfortable with the air cond at full blast and it was actually drizzling outside, making it more colder. Seeing her just after her late night work, assuming this because of the attire she was wearing and the stuff she was carrying, she opened the pack of rice and it was a really slow gesture. She prayed on the food and was giving thanks. When I came out from the toilet, I saw another homeless, this time taking small bites on the biscuit that was in one of the delivery round, and each bite is savoured slowly and with eyes closed. I don't know what's in their mind, but that visual to me was so empowering and it touches me deep down that at that moment I feel like breaking up and cry because of all the sudden energies that came to me. All the things I ever learned and experienced was just summed up in that powerful visual. Gratitude, appreciation, kindness, compassionate, etc. EVERYTHING.

So with that empowering visual, it keeps me going. It keeps me want to do good, no matter alone or with others. Still thinking of ways to contribute more.

People, if you stumble upon this post, these are the things that I think is suitable for the homeless. You can also come up with your own initiatives as well.

1) Soap. You don't have to give a big bar, those small ones like from the hotel rooms are good enough. If you have connections or people in charge of hotels that you can talk to, maybe they can donate those used soap that hotel guests used but not all are used. They can cut off the layers to come out to the new layer and wrapped it up again and donate to the homeless. Or if you go to hotel, and have been collecting those soap/toiletries like toothbrush or shampoo that you haven't been using, give them up :)

2) Medicines for skin ailments or wounds

3) Used clothes ie shirt, t-shirts , etc that you don't need anymore but still in good condition

4) Biscuits, fruits, mineral water etc

5) Cash to KSK or any other organisation to continue their works

6) Towels/umbrellas/recycle  bags etc

7) Click or copy paste this url to your browser and join me and friends on this collective effort in contributing to charitable good deeds via facebook to KSK

All works in KSK are inspired by H.E Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and you can find him here 
You can also find him at his blog here
And last but not least,  you can also join KSK on facebook , here. 

Related blog post : Here

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A reluctant lightworker waking up to reality

The shift.
It came on the day I realized I've to face the buried deep down past traumatic experience I've went through alone on that evening. Where forms are no longer forms, and just some distant memories, cut short of not letting anyone know in details, what actually transpired. This thing face me and I've to either confront it or let go of it. By letting go, it mean cutting off a piece of the demonic influence in me from further attachment. I chose to shed the blood and tears. A part of me is not a part of me anymore. Everything was blanketed and buried, even those that I wanted and needed were no longer available. And I was reborn, but not on an overall basis. This part is a hole that do not make me whole, and I simply deem this part as a big hole with a gap that spell imperfection and black dots in my life. No matter how and what I do to it, it mutates and sort of manifest to other forms in my life. Those forms that which I can't hide forever nor would it get lesser. But again, it got buried deep down and blanketed again, until sometimes I don't know which personality is mine.

Until one fine day, the emotion and waves come again , for me to remember it again when I feel that I should be worthy of love and for love. And it stopped me. NO MORE SUFFERINGS. Void that part. And so I watched, and watched all the episode that plays against the backdrop of my life like some sort of drama. It simply let me know that what I want and what I need, is simply not this form anymore. I need to untie lesser strings to myself and not create bondage that tie my fears and reluctance to accept further pain. I saw upon the sky and the stars in the horizon, I checked and checked again the configuration, it should be NOW. The seed is there and I should not activate it. If I do, the outcome will be something I do not want to go through readily. Let me be just in the dream, where in that dream it was and will be perfect, a world I created where I can be with anyone and anything that I wanted. And this, will save a lot of trouble and let me be focus on reality while my private world is for me to play.

So what if every waking time for me is indeed a coma, while in coma is where the real me stands? My higher self will have to answer me this then. If indeed it is, why did you put me in this without my permission? Why do you let me do something and feel something that is not meant for this waking hour? I want to create a different world now, and am going to sit you down while you listen to my instruction, as per my manifestation and as per my conscious awakening. I want to get out of this world and re-create my world. And with this am pumping in all new belief systems back to you and stop the damage that had  been done throughout this 3 decades. I will make myself lighter and recreate the cells in the body so that I can hold more light. And recreate new perceptions, new perspectives, new me and new world.

Giving up
Some thing which I do not chase upon the feeling does not mean I am not choosing right. I am just thinking of greater good on an overall basis. But the aloofness is killing another part of me. To advance, or to retreat, or to just brush it off as a mere illusion, is a signal of what I am looking for, and what I have might not be what I thought I wanted, until another sign came and show me right in the face, that indeed what I wanted is not in this form. It is in that form. So at the end, I am best to let go of forms for it changes. Let go because change is the only constant. What I gave up today, will be that space I needed to fill in more, as it simply means it is something that no longer serves me good. And with the new space, I can use it for my higher advancement. However, a part of me is reluctant to give up on those that I know I needed to, and you ... you are my agent of change as well as my agent of giving up. For you just let me know what are choices, and how I can consciously choose to put you into that black hole of mine to stop the sufferings.

New Reality
Life , without meaning, is something that I DO wish to end prematurely at any time if given the chance to do so without any repercussion. Simply because, I do not want to have that imperfect episode that keep replaying as it like when I am not on my guard. But I can't, and I have a contract of life in my blueprint that I will have to accept, eventually. And this life time is the time I have to start redeeming myself and honor the promise with my protector to do the works. There's no better time than now, and the path is laid out perfectly. No matter what happens, in the end I will still walk upon the continent, and I will do it in a way I am most comfortable in, and in ways I know, as I trust you've put me in places right for the cause to happen. And yes, I have put in new meaning to life, that is not for my only sole purpose. The meaning of my to live it helping and influencing people on a mass scale to higher consciousness and turn it into benefits for humanity. That is one big vague thing, but it's already in books what's the baby steps that am going to do. In this awakening hour, strategies and game play is what am still learning, for in my own world that I was in , it was and will always be perfect.