Saturday, October 10, 2009

4D magnum,toto, kuda number forecast or prediction

just learning something new and putting into practice from master. no guarantee. don follow. still learning! don't say i din warn, no compensation. cuz this is based on common chart only. not personal. so just trying to guess the numbers and combinations only. hahaha...but if u won one day, send me a 10% okie! will keep posting for every draw from now on...(if not busy) as 'homework' to let my master see . this is maiden post. don't expect i will come up with the technicalities of it cuz i am just testing the water and theory!

PS: Because of my own configurations, all numbers given, if only 3 digit, u can add any number in front or back up to u. or u can buy from private that cater to 3 digit only. if u see 4 digits, example 1234 , u add and or subtract 1 digit, according to ur own liking. example : 1234, try 2234, 0234, or 1233 or 1235. 
I do cater for reading for gambling luck on personal basis or chart as am better at that as my clients keep coming back every week thou not many as I never advertise it. They come based on word of mouth. :P

Sat: 10/10/2009
M: 414, 615, 441,025, 5062, 3317
K: 8362,6243, 2756,  005, 454, 802,
T: many double digit, 44,88,11

Results tonight rite? will post the results for reference and see where i flopped after my class! *am buying private so I don't have my own bet slip to show if I hit or no hit*

However if u want to know your lucky number next time, just sms to 0166728068 with your date of birth, your house address, your car number and your telephone number and I will work out your personal 4 digit number based on this. PLEASE DON'T CALL as I prefer to see the details on sms. That is for 1st round procedure. Bank in service fees of RM 20 for 1st round to my bank account which will be supplied to you in the sms and you'll get your personal lucky number that can be 'bet' on , on your best days.

2nd round will be card reading if you wish to continue, preferably a picture of yours to my email.

For 2nd round of card reading service, just RM10 for each reading for draw day. I can read for you once I got to 'see' your face and will reply back in sms. Well, still, you decide at your own risk as nothing is absolute.

Haha...and all this money that I receive will be use to purchase groceries and food for the needy. ;P

Friday, October 2, 2009

Karma in astrology

while still preparing for my course materials for reiki and vedic astrology, i came across many articles that touch on karma and vedic astrology. should i follow their style, i am just another fear instilling astrologer in the vast market of astrology just for business. i understand these issues and the working mechanism of survival, however, i do not want to add into my own karma when delineating a chart. as an astrologer, and am aiming to raise the standard of professionalism in vedic astrology to a wider market in malaysia, the first one important karmic offense is misleading and 2ndly is obstructing the course of karmic events by deciding for the clients the one ultimate way.

what i mean is, we have to let the client decide their own choice after a series of suggestions and probable outcomes of the event. to really understand what is astrology, i'll put in some summary details herein. these topics will be discussed fully when my courses are ready to be taken.

say...5000 years ago, sages of the past had been observing the movement of planets and constellations in the sky. they link every possible situation and outcomes when the planets move in the constellations and the signs. they observed how the planets are and such. The sages are divided into 2 groups, one of the vedic tradition, and another the tamil siddhars. together, these 2 make up the Vedas science of light.

the understanding of astrology is based on cosmic consciousness, and not any God/religion based. this is because the sages do not believe that destiny cannot be altered.hence the model of astrology takes shape as a model that can 'help' humankind.

That is why there are a lot of remedies, poojas and rituals to appease the planets. However, all these remedies, poojas and rituals associated with vedic astrology are actually very religion based. this is because it had been 'designed' by People to atone their 'sins' . and these remedies and such, is only confined to 'religion' and it is not accurate in terms of timing. WHY? first problem = india got a lot of 'calendars'...which one to follow??? and then it branches out to other religions closely related, example buddhism. 2ndly: most religious activities are based on the country's convenience, example, big poojas are adjusted for that particular weekend so that ppl can participate together. of course, the more ppl in prayers, the more better it is. however, am speaking on the viewpoint of astrology. which is one question, how many percentage of ppl that go to temples and participate in these remedies can actually affirm that their karma had reduced??

u go to religious places to make prayers and such, to find peace of mind, to feel divine love and get divine spiritual help, to connect with ppl, to network and even socialize. u plant these seeds so that when u have a problem, someone is there to guide u. however, karma is a different matter altogether.

in astrology, there are 3 types of karma. the 1st is: u cannot change it, whether heavy, bad or good. u will see a lot of same recurrences in the chart and these are what u bring over from past lives, ur inventory, ur tools, ur sins and such. things that already happened that can't be changed. the basic example is the family u have chosen to born into, the country or place u have chosen to born into, the status of ur name and fame, ur physical appearance, ur special talents and abilities and ur children. afflicted charts suggests deep karmic offense, where no matter what remedies and such that u do, no matter how many times u do, it will still happen and stick to u for u have to fulfill the condition and repay ur 'debts'.

every single being , especially human, carries karma from the creation time (from adam and eve) till the present times. in our 'system', something like a chip, is already implanted these karma and it is within us. example: all of us have a basic survival instinct latent within us, when something happens, somehow we can survive if we 'activate' that instinct. or 2nd example, a pure child, say 3 years old, will know how to get angry, jealous and such thou no one teach them, this is because it is already latent within.
we are made to forget our past lives, as we would be shocked to know how much sins we've committed if we are to remember.

2nd type of karma: things u can change after actions is being taken which includes doing more charity, do more goods, changing of ur mindset, ur behaviour and such. as time is just a perception, there really isn't much difference with past, present and future. u carries past karmas, u change ur destiny by will in present, u reap the rewards in future, which could be in a day, in a month in a year in the next life. keypoint is, just do it if u want to improve ur situation. ex: in ur chart, u r suppose to be a low wage earner or u r suppose to be someone that are leading a simple life, but u wanna improve ur financial situation, so find a way to work harder to upgrade ur knowledge and qualification, be more hardworking instead of blaming the chart,  ask help from ur frens for recommendation to a better job offer, or find ur own better job offers, do more goods and by ur will, u can change this provision.

3rd type of karma are less significant and can be changed by will alone.

what can change the course of human destiny? in astrology, a chart bigger than human can alter everything. ex: a place, a country chart , can alter individuals destiny. say, a tragedy that involves lots of human life. a government policy that affect lives.

how should u set ur mindset towards astrology then , if things can change? use astrology as a diagnostic tool. my master said, the tamil siddhars invented the indian astrology primarily as a diagnostic tool for medicines. after which, it had branched out to being a predictive tool for human events. the law of accidents opined, if u are not conscious, the predictions in astrology just work, green lights, while if u r aware and take effort in will and changing ur mindset, it will change. afterall, to know how this diagnostic tool works, u still need to learn it before u can make a judgement about it.

do not take anything as truth until u have tested it and it is logical to u, hence study serious astrology before passing judgments, and view it scientifically with a scholarly mind. i am confident my courses will let u enjoy the predictive power of this diagnostic tool, the falls of astrology as in what is the working boundary of it,  on top of sharing deeper how u can change ur live using astrology.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reiki energy for pets after surgery...

reiki for pets after surgery can accelerate healing and is also a way for u to connect with ur pet and tell them that u love them after all the pains they went through.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

His whispers in my dream

he said...
u shall heal whoever that comes to u with ur touch and prayers tru my power...ur eyes will only see sickness. and ur heart will only feel the pain. ur joy is only tru healing. and everything will be prepared for u, worry not, u r taken care of.

i dowan the suffering.... no one wants it..but u have to go tru suffering and understand what it feels like. afterall, u r not taken out from that place without a reason...redeem yourself, u'll meet him soon. and he'll give u whatever u need.

it's heart is heavy...keep practicing...when u accept this contract, u'll get back all your skills in no time. only this time, use it for good and wisely...for that banished place is not right for u.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Spiritual healing for aura and Reiki

Due to my insomnia condition now, u'll keep on seeing posts from me for my blog. So these are stuffs that had been holding in my head but i did not have the time to post before this. Well, in energy healing, Reiki energy is one of the 'soft' but powerful way to heal and as well as can be integrated with other systems. But for you to heal with Reiki, there will be certain 'basic' stuffs that you need to know that will further enhance your practice. For the courses arranged thou by soul circles next year, there'll be brief introduction to these basic stuffs as well as teaching a beginner how to train their own 3rd eye to see auras. So what are actually the basic stuffs that you need to know?

Chakra points . the 7 main chakra points in our body, Chakra in Sanskrit means Wheels and it refers to the 7 energy centers that represent our consciousness and energy systems. It regulates the flow of energy throughout the body and any imbalanced within these will affect your Aura.


The image above shows what the points correspond or in charge of, but of course it's basic and you might want to further read up on it as it is another topic by itself.

Illness always result when there is a blockage in one or more of your chakra points, and before you start laying your hands to heal, or use 'beaming/scanning' in Reiki, you can do a quick scan on the aura of the body. Then after scanning, you can do a sweep by hands for cleansing and balancing of the aura, and then start Reiki and 'zoomed in' on the troubled chakra point or parts faster.

An example I did was this: An uncle i met wanted to know about his own color and also to test what is Reiki. I did a scan on him and noticed a lot of Red color on his shoulder. I asked if his shoulder is in pain. He said no. So i told him what i saw and say, u'll soon have shoulder pain. True enough, 2 days later, uncle came back and said his shoulder is in pain. And i reiki him  on his shoulder.

Red is a color of strong energy, creativity and fire. It can indicate strong passion, strong emotions like anger, love, hate and unexpected changes. brightness in red generally reflects joy while lighter red reflects active and peaceful people. but too much red can cause inflammation and imbalance. it can effect nervous system and arouse the anger latent within. People with Red often do not trust people easily. Red ppl should learn how to control their temper and learn forgiveness.

So a little on the aura colors and the 'health' keywords they are associated with. [of course they also represent lots of other things, u can try google...or join SC courses next year!]

Orange - emotional imbalances and agitation depending on the shade. tainted orange usually reflect pride and flamboyance or worries.

Yellow is easy to reflects mental agility and is apparent when someone is very concentrated at something. tainted or murkier yellow reflects someone  with excessive thinking, overly critical and more critical , a split personality.

green - darker green usually reflect uncertainty and miserliness , jealousy, possessiveness, self doubt and mistrust. when it's with red, it is stressful and moody.

blue- darker = loneliness, blocked perceptions, worries, forgetful, fear and oversensitive.

grey- illness or depression at specific area of body

brown-if it appears in the chakras, need to cleanse the chakra points fast, as it means blockage of energies. it's also related to problem areas of the body, so it's best you ask because it's hard to see. when death is nearing, more browns will appear in the aura

black- contrary to believe that it represent death or serious illness, it actually means excess energy and one is protecting himself. secrets. burdens and sacrifices is goin to come. if appear at areas of any physical body, it means physical imbalance. if at outer edge of body aura, it indicate holes in the auric field, which indicates victims of abuse, emotionally damaged, negative thinker, destruction and despair.

There are more other colurs which I've left out thou. Cuz i just want to give some example

if u see lots of Red in areas of the head and throat, it indicates neck, shoulder, chest pain, migraine or high blood pressure. beside spiritual healing, the fastest is using Reiki and of course the best permanent way is some lifestyle positive practice that need to be learned.

if u see lots of red flowing from the neck to hands...he is highly stressed with burdens on his shoulders and do not know how to relax. it can manifest to pain in the body, skin disorder, tiredness and insomnia <---like me!

black dots that sits at navel chakra and heart chakra can indicate a person is being possessed. need spiritual healers as well as aura cleansing and reiki

a very ill person will have lots of blue in their body with black colurs, these are usually colurs i see in ppl with serious illness, loose mobility or have nerves illness that makes them disabled. black with orange or red in the outer ring also indicates karmic issues. and the auric field is totally holed with black colurs.

How to protect your aura? I've been attacked before by some unethical people using psychic and invasive to my auric field. some ways to protect it is sitting crossed leg as if in meditation, cross ur legs at ur ankles and put ur thumbs and index fingers together. this will stop ur energy from draining.

shield yourself with colurs by bringing down white, or gold or orange or bright blue above your head down to your entire body. imagine it as a shield and you are inside it. or a bubble and u are inside the bubble. even pyramid images works. And on top of that, invoke your reiki angels or guardian angels to protect you.
proper breathing will calm u down. And if all else fail...faster sms ur master!!

So in summary: this is to let you know that if you are already doing some energy healing works, it is best to know the chakra points and the association of aura colors with all of it so you can heal better and efficiently, to yourself, ur loved one or even, a stranger u see. 

to be continue...sleepy already~~~ 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Guidelines to Seeking an astrologer

This is a guideline for anyone who would like to seek for an astrologer in general, and particularly me especially.

1) An astrologer needs your accurate data of birth details, especially if the astrologer is using systems that requires accuracy of your input to produce output of your natal chart. Astrologer using purple star and chinese systems do not need your accurate birth time, for they can be within an hour of time with their symbolic meaning, or if traditional type of chinese systems, a span of 2 hours.

Birth details needed is date of birth [ Gregorian calendar ], time of birth as precise as possible and place of birth. Place of birth is the area, the state or the country u are born at, not necessary hospital name and such.  If you give a -not so accurate- details, the readings will come out as not so accurate. If you do not have an accurate time of birth, you can go for other system of divination that do not need your time of birth detail.

This is because if you go to an astrologer without your time of birth, the astrologer will need to do a 'birth rectification'  reading first. This is a highly tedious process and can take weeks to do, because we have to have other input from you, such as important dates of your life, eg, your marriage date, your major accident date, your first born child, if your parents passed away, their date and time of death and such. This service is chargeable and it's not cheap.

And if after a session you realized the time of birth given is horribly wrong and you need a new consultation, then it is a new session and you have to pay again because you wasted my time. A difference of 4 minute is allowed, but not more than 10 minutes because the constellation and other things in the chart will changed. I usually do not accept doing a reading if you are not particularly sure of your time, because you will not be willing to pay for my birth rectification fees.If you have a twin or triplet etc, do inform so I can determine which constellation you fall at within your natal chart.

2) at least prepare some urgent specific questions that you would like to ask. The reason for an interactive consultation session is because this is about your life, so am sure you will have urgent stuffs to ask, unless you seek an astrologer for fun, or you prefer to listen to everything from past and such , then it's fine, as long as you are aware of the rates in terms of time.

3) bring along a notepad and pen to jot down things you want to remember. A recorder is allowed but do inform your astrologer so that he/she can speak clear enough to be recorded. This is because an astrologer usually do not want to remember your chart, your details or carry your files along and after a long session of consultation, only to have you call back and ask the same questions all over again.

Some can give you answers to the same question or new questions again but I bet my last dollar that not all will be able to do that for more than 3 times everyday or way after that because you are not the only customers they have to cater to. So please be sensitive and jot down your own notes. If you have too much new questions after a session, compile them up and make a new appointment for a new consultation again. This is because when you are with your astrologer, you are already given a chance to get the best out of him and if it's a repetition again, you are wasting your own time as well as the astrologer's time.

4) During the session, be as serious and attentive as possible because you might miss out important points. Friendliness and politeness is encouraged, but not to the extend of disrupting the environment conducive for reading and definitely not for an astrologer to repeat and repeat and repeat the same thing over and over again. ( unless you are willing to pay for the time spent )

5) Responsible astrologers do not only point out the good points, but also the bad points coupled with honest works. Do not expect to only hear what you WISH to hear, WANT to hear and do selective hearing. The consequence is entirely up to your own side if you do that, especially with me because i am not a sooth sayer.

For me, it is because of your selective hearing that you may say am not accurate. Many customers i met, there are bound to be some that hear a little and a little not. But let me restate my position, I don't mind you saying am not accurate, it was never a problem to me because astrology is a module of probabilities. Out of the few hundreds chart that i read in my 4 years experience, only 2 people mentioned it's not correct, and one is during my 1st year practice, and 2nd one is because the time is not accurate. However, my style is simple, i just predict whatever is right in front of me, which is the chart and not look at your drama as chart do not lie, unless again...u supply the wrong data.
If bad things is not accurate, good for you!

6) Any astrologers who are only sooth sayers, 'pushing' or 'coy' you to buy EXPENSIVE gems, products and what not after a session of doom saying and how you should avoid the mishap should  be avoided as far as possible . Unless you are really sure you want to buy the gem or any other products of reasonable doubt, give yourself a time , preferably 2 or 3 days before you go back to buy. This is because, after a session, usually it's your weakest period and have too much to think of or planned and you are easy to be manipulated. Your trust is already there and you suddenly worshiped the astrologer like a GOD. So ethical astrologer do not cash in during your vulnerable time. Some can even hypnotize you, so unless you are very sure of yourself, bring along a friend to accompany you especially if the session is conducted at a place unfamiliar to you, home of the astrologer, or secluded place you think will pose a certain risk of danger. If you still did got conned after reading this, then don't say I did not give you advice here.

True astrologer usually do not force or ask you to buy expensive gems after a cheap reading because in the Vedas scripture, beside gemstones, there are countless remedies that are still applicable and affordable to humankind. You can also go to other alternatives for remedies that are workable and genuine. Crystals and gemstones should be from reliable source, checked with someone authenticated and do not always mean, more expensive , more power...even a cheap one if it is favourable for your period to wear, it will work. Commercialized 'astrologer' usually have business deals with some crystal seller who sell to them at a cheap price and sell to you by hundreds or thousands. The ploy is usually describing the stones up to like a mystical stone, saying how it will help you to avoid mishap or disaster, does not worth that much and lots more.

True astrologer will pinpoint what is suitable and the name of it, without you having to buy straight after a session. Remedies or other helps are usually logical to accept, affordable and workable.

7) lastly, enjoy the session and take it as a guideline for yourself. No THEORIES in the scriptures or books about KARMA that says your destiny could not be change. If you do read on it, usually KARMA is about events and past (and even past life) doing, but always there are ways to alter your destiny, or change to have a good future , your present action can be changed to have a better future as destiny lies in your own hand. If you put in good seeds, you get good seeds, so you still need to know your own patterns in order to reshape your new patterns. So keep planting!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Energy Exchange

First of all, let me explain what is energy exchange in laymen terms. when u receive service, help, products or good will kindness from other people for your own lifestyle and personal improvement, u return the energy and effort rendered.

Example 1: electricity that is being supplied to your house is a form of energy that can be calculated and it comes to u every month as ur bill to pay. it got cut off once u decided not to pay the bills

Example 2: someone found your wallet and took the trouble to return it to u. U treat him a meal and make friends and embark on a new friendship , or u give him some money in gratitude. it is also very true that every good deeds have to be made known and honoured so that more ppl will do more good by awarding rewards for good deeds done. [ Confucius teaching]  so u give him money. if he don't accept, u feel 'not nice' and feel that u owe this person 'something'

Example 3: u go to a doctor for ur health problems and u get treated and u pay the bill.

Which means, energy exchange is u get something and u return it. For this time and age now, the forms of energy exchange is either with a meal, money or barter system.

So now , this boils down back to certain different perspective and values of people.
for the world and life to go on now, money is the most recognized standard form of energy exchange tools.

And i am writing based on a practitioner of astrology and other metaphysics profession point of view with clients and friends.

I take my practice and service rendered as a professional service and career. In terms of astrology, an astrologer spent years to accumulate on knowledge and skills, sometimes a lifetime as astrology is a vast topic like the ocean,  whereas a doctor do not spend more than 10 years to get their medical certification and is a professional in their profession.

So an astrologer is a professional profession as they are required to be knowledgeable in their field as well as all other affairs and of the material world and spiritual world.

A doctor perform surgery on you with you signing an acknowledgment that you won't hold them responsible if u die during surgery. An astrologer works with you and karma is the regulatory law in this that can bring forward to next life. So it is also a serious work as serious as putting ur own life on the surgery table.

An astrologer spent thousands in order to acquire knowledge and time in order to perfect this art, where after that they render their service to other people. Some are calculable, while some are hidden costs. A doctor also spend money and time to acquire their knowledge and get back their return of investment later. An astrologer deal with all aspects of your life, while a doctor only deals with specific illness of your health problems.

So why do you not want to pay for service but expecting free service,  rendered by an astrologer or a diviner, or a psychic or a healer or anyone that takes these metaphysics subjects as a career? Going in further, a psychic can do angel readings for you, let you know about premonitions and etc where this is a talent not found on all tom , dick and harry, so to speak. so it's also a profession.  is it because you think it's pretty much a joke or not a recognized profession? Well, if the tax department accept tax revenue from anyone earning more than RM2001 (in Malaysia) , it means they are recognizing your earning power and have to , by law collect the tax. So as an astrologer, healer and such that earns more than that and have their tax paid and the tax office accept it, it means the law recognized the way their income is earned as legitimate. try telling them, "hey i get my income tru astrology bizness and am earning 10k a month, do u have to tax it? they will tell you the answer and u know the answer. so if they don't tax it, it means it's not recognized as a form of profession and u get to keep all the 10k a month. [ yeah rite ] and so if they accept it, it is legitimate as a business and so why are u not willing to pay for this professional fees?

u keep the astrologer alive, as he is also someone that have bills to pay and kids to rear while u receive your intended service. Healing, people think it must be free because it's healing works. Of course, free because the healer can afford it and is feeling generous but time is not free. it's not returnable and the healer still have bills to pay. imagine if everyone is not paying to healing works, which healer can afford to go on practicing ? when there's no more healer that want to continue healing, where's healing? because the works do not commensurate with the efforts and time put and cannot make a living with it, no one would be interested to continue this divine works.

on people taking this as a career and practicing people, some charge exorbitantly. some do not charge. some charge mildly. but clients can choose who to go to as all had been arranged.You don't have to go stealing customers or hard selling or even beg for ppl to go to you as your customers are contracted to you throughout your journey. Why smear the profession like you are in a rat race? have dignity as your profession itself is a dignity and is closely related to spirituality. If you think it's okie to charge that amount, it's up to u but have professional ethics. You can charge free even if u want but please do not smear the profession itself. Educate your customers on and about your works and profession, whether u r an astrologer, tarot reader, healer, psychic , feng shui and all metaphysics works there is. Honour energy exchange for balances in life. Please ponder, because to keep these metaphysics knowledge available for humankind, you as a practitioner need to change to ways that can keep it as alive and satisfactory. when u don't have to worry about ur income and bills, you study more, perform better and render your service more efficiently.

So what is energy exchange? In the time now am writing, am on the side of physical reality plane and talking as taking metaphysics as a career. So it simply means as honest reality as possible, it's money or fees that you have to pay and charge for these professional service. I don't mind if one day i have no customers, because i need all the time i have to study more. i can even read for u for free, but really, my time is expensive as i have lots of things to do and it's hard for me to part my time recklessly. and even without astrology, i can survive with my income, but am taking it as a professional career so i have to self protect this profession. it's like, if ur a  businessman and ur giving discount to pull customers, sooner or later all the businesses that are dealing with your trade will start a price war and compete, and what u did will make ur own business hard to profit or even, hard to maintain and u have to change trade. what's the point? then came all cheaper alternatives that are RM5 per piece and breaks within 1 month. and at last, the customers only get low quality stuffs thou got it cheaper.

Anyway, I am not even on the spiritual plane yet , cuz if i do, this blog will take 2 more page of scrolling. :)  

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Giving reiki to your pets

Based on some feedback from emails that i've got, regard this topic... heheh... i would like to reply back that my writing with regard to reiki and animals is based on domestic pets or stray of cats and dogs. the other unique type of animals like monkeys, snakes, spiders, fish and all else...i've no idea! but you can try if you want and is in a safe environment and condition you feel not dangerous. however, using common sense, if an animal especially mammals or hot blooded type shows a little bit of consciousness and not beast like in response, no harm trying in assisting them to open up to their animal wisdom.

what you need to know is what is your intention and whether the giving of it is appropriate. Example, if you have a bleeding animal , it's NOT REIKI that you have to give first. It's first aid! After that only you give Reiki to assist healing.

However, there was some time back when i first started doing healing works for animals, and my first 'miracle' was healing of a bird. This bird @ dove suffered a broken wing and landed at my balcony for weeks. One day, i was free and started giving it Reiki. It is scared if i am near and even if i put it in a pail, it is so scared it wanted to fly away but can't. Later, i put it out of the pail and let it hide in a corner. Then i give her distance healing. Well, it did not work. :( I then started to put in chants and prayers while giving her reiki. Still, it tilt it's head sideway and as if trying to make sense of what am i mumbling about. At last, i chant 'OM' with Reiki as well and it responded. It flapped it's broken wing as if it got hit by a wave of electricity. After about 1 hour of chanting, it flew away.

So you need to try many ways till u get some results. sometimes, you are guided by angels from the animal kingdom and you have a set of steps that are workable. sometimes, just the 'Intention' and lots of faith and the energy can transmit to the animal as lots of love. One new workable way for a very distressed cat is this which i've discovered that can help calm and sooth the pain ... best for hands on
1) visualize Hon Sha
2) state intention
3) visualize [if you have Master symbol] and/or Chokurei
4) chant either OM  or OM Mani Padme Hum  or OM Namo Baishajaya Guru Buddhasa
5) 7 times in one breath of step no 4, blow to the animal from the nose to it's 3rd eye back to it's nose
6) do step no 5 for at least 7 times
7) visualize sei he ki and then cho ku rei.
8) go back to step no 1

Good Luck and awaiting your feedback again :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Astrology and Sexuality [2]

A continuous and long term research on this. I've now a database of about 150 charts of female genders. If someone can get me across to do readings for male and trans, please do so. A little bit on the traits and trends I always discover in a natal chart of a homosexual female. [BTW, I won't be putting up the images yet as it is distracting to my train of thoughts]

1) Native usually have Rahu / Ketu on 1st house, or 5th or 7th, or 8th
Ra/Ke in 1st house - nodal case = Extreme events, lifestyle, secretive self, or emotional extreme. [this might explain, the need for homosexuals to lead a double life, not coming out to people or society, emotional issues, extreme emotional issues, suppressing their feelings for the sake of secrecy, and the oddity [odd one out/foreign] from their closest family and friends.

Ra in 7th house gives prediction of unusual intimate partner, foreign partner, or a partnership out of the normal standard of society. Ke in 7th house will explain the spiritual connection or 'soul mate' feeling of finding someone of the same sexual orientation, the difficulty or easiness of the experience with the partner, the maintenance of the relationship and also explain why most homosexual relationships are not long term with ever changing partner to partner, or in short 'recycled' among the closed group community.

Ra in 8th house [in terms of sexual satisfaction] give predictions of foreign sex partner, weird sexual partner or weird sexual appetite.

As astrology is an ancient authority, we have to see it in the eye of the great sages before this. If most of the knowledge compile is meant for humankind with the main "Man for Woman and vice versa" principles, then using it to predict current times people will need a more neutral or opposite thinking mindset. As example : if in a male chart, Ra in 8th denotes foreign sex partner, then in ancient time, it could mean that particular native can only get satisfaction in sexual gratification from someone not of the same locality, background or from a place that's not of his locality.

2) Native usually have planets that is stronger for their gender. Example : Female usually have Sun , Mars, Saturn, Mercury strong in their 1st house, and some in Retrograde while Male usually have Moon, Venus, Neptune strong in 1st or 12th.

3) Native usually have same gender planet in 5th, 7th, 8th or 12th. Example : Female that have Venus , Moon, in these houses give predictions of same gender partner while Male that have Sun, Mars, Mercury and Uranus (retrograde more significant) in these houses will have a higher probability to involve in same sex partner.
If at times there is a combination of female and male planets in this houses, it gives to a bisexual tendencies.

4) Beside these basic analysis on the basic chart , you have to map it up against the signs and the constellations. and also the timing of when someone will come to these experiences in their personal life if they choose to fulfill this desire or have this experience.

As a responsible astrologer, beside using this few basic technique to suspect a chart native of his sexual orientation, you have to have more supporting configuration in the signs, aspects, recurring story and keyword, confirmation from the 27 constellation and dasha too. Suggestion : more than 5 relation or related story from the chart can affirm the analysis.  

WHY this sexuality analysis from astrology is important or beneficial to the community or humankind, you might ask?

On a personal level
Astrology can denote and give a confirmation on whether being with someone you really love whether same gender or as normal (man-woman) will be happier for you. In some cases, there are native who if involve with marriage to the opposite sex will have unhappiness and get into the divorce rate as statistic , while with partner of the same sex, can find long term happiness and companionship who will have a better life and be taken care of for the longest time possible.

You can know if you should or should not come out to your parents or family, depending upon the religious upbringing and social background of your country and if you can't come out, how can you handle your psychological, mental and emotional well being.

You can know the best way to adjust to your health and implications and how you will need different care on the medical level. Even transgendered natives will have aspects or configurations of surgery for sexual changes in their chart, so knowing when to go under the knife for favorable results, will opting for this life time sex changes a decision you can go through with no regrets and how will your overall general health being be.

On a higher level

Since astrology is an ancient module and till now it is timeless, it is of course right to say that homosexuality have appeared since ages ago ( religious scriptures have also touch on homosexuality.)

Homosexuality is also one of HIS creation and it is a nature condition. It is only the nurturing, the different upbringing, the psychological suppression and environment that can affect fear or desire of acknowledging this emotion. Coupled with free will to whether honour or accept yourself as you are, then it come down to your own choice to whether love secretly, or love universally. Eg: scientific research have confirm everyone is androgynous and in astrology, even the toughest male do have feminine traits, despite expressing it out from a different channel or experience or events.
The long term psychological condition and upbringing creates different choice and path, and in extreme cases, homophobia and intolerance to other people different from their own choices.

The world is perceived as Yin and Yang, but with many other dimensions. Homosexuality / LGBT natives stand between the Yin and Yang line, with one foot either at the yin or yang line, or in easier word, between hell and heaven. This explains the emotional distress and imbalanced, the feelings of right and wrong in the eye of religious views, the relation to God and other such religious fears.

But so to speak, we have known unconsciously or consciously that, homosexuality will not disappear as long as there is humankind and civilization, as this is also an essential lessons in life for other majority to practice understanding, tolerance, acceptance, religious path and universal love. In terms of religious cultivations, there is no cultivation , merits accumulated or you are more favored in the eye of God if you condemn homosexuality , a fellow humankind, while u show kindness to even a small ant.

This is because, sexual orientation is only a tiny aspect of a person. Taking out this aspect, homosexuals are highly normal human being with feelings, emotions, giving taxes, performing filial duty , social responsibilities, charities, movers and shakers in their communities and what not.  Their own relation with their own God or religious practice is confine to theirs, and them alone. Time have changed. When we advocate change, it's only for the better and not for the worst. While in ancient time, homosexuality is being suppressed and is in view as lewd, dirty, stopping the generation of human, condemn by God and such, now it is about universal love, oneness and unity in diversity, human rights, kindness, gratitude and unconditional love.

The Earth is moving faster on its axis and this in a way open up more awareness and consciousness. The energies do not recognize genders. So please practice a broader mind especially if you are an astrologer trapped in traditional mindset when delineating a soul life chart.

Friday, September 4, 2009

New changes

Months of no updates. Heh... so Oscar style. Sorry...been busy with works and consultations. Anyway, the new changes are coming soon to , Soul Circles new domain. If you have been visiting, it's no more. At last, something jive with the company name, thanks to my new sidekick in this business! Should I credit him here or give him anonymous privilege? Heheh...

So what's the new changes? It's something yet to be revealed, yet I can't wait for it. There are changes from the maker of this whole thing as well, as in, I've at last really really determined to go on to this astrology thing full time, go on planning next year courses no matter what happen, I'll go into it, and understand , live without dreams and goals ain't live at all, because a person without a dream is not living. And my dream is to have a career I am and will be all passionate about. My personal dreams are better left alone here.... :)

The people I keep meeting, including customers and new friends, are contributing to the changes as well. Their experiences gave me the clues on why astrology is an essential knowledge to the uninitiated. Because, life, in that 12 squares of your blueprint, can be wonderful if you know how to manipulate it to your own advantage, minus those hookey pookey mysticism.